Ask Me Anything with SandBox Pro at ICOspeaks:

sandbox pro ama at ico speaks
sandbox pro ama at ico speaks
September 13-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the Sandbox Pro there were : 
💻Timothy – Marketing Officer – @TimothyPar
Hello, I’m Timothy, The marketing officer of SandBox Pro


💻 Nini – Market Officer – @Ninibsc
Hello, I’m Nini responsible for marketing of SandBoxPro. Thanks you for having us!
                                        Let’s get started!
Q: Could you please share the history of SandBoxPro?

A:  SandBox Pro is an upgraded NFTs game platform based on Play-for-Earn mechanics inspired by SandBox where players can even play parts of developers’ role at this game.

The first game on SandBoxPro will be THE ISLAND, where gives us the feeling of alive and you can have fully control of your own island.

Its a NFT gaming metaverse!

Q: What are the tokenomics of SANDPRO and how do you stimulate the users to hold SANDPRO? What are some of the $SANDPRO use cases?
A: The whole logic of token $SANDPRO is inspired from $CORE. Rather than restrict liquidity pool directly as $CORE, we make some improvement on it. SANDPRO introduces an innovative way that is ONE SELL AFTER TWO BUYS in SandBoxPro market. Which means one selling opportunity will be released after two continues buying transactions of $SANDPRO.

As you can see this mechanism helps SANDPRO growing in a crazy speed. In addition, the maximum amount to sell $SANDPRO is 1/2 of pooled liquidity. Since we have been intensively developing the first gameplay THE ISLAND, the economic model we set for SANDPRO is to increase its circulation value in the metaverse of THE ISLAND.

Q: What is ENERGY? What problem is ENERGY trying to solve? How does that affect everyday people?
A:  To make it easier for holders to sell SANDPRO, we created ENERGY as the put warrant of SANDPRO which grants the buyer the right to sell the certain amount of SANDPRO at any time they want in order to solve the problem of crowds for selling SANDPRO with the original transaction mechanism.

In addition, ENERGY is also the only medium to converting your SandBox Pro NFT collections into the metaverse of SandBox Pro gameplays.

Q: As for SANDPRO staking, which pools will be released for staking? Why no SANDPRO single token staking?
A:  SANDPRO-BNB LP, BNB, BUSD, USDT, CAKE-BNB LP, ETH-BUSD LP and BTCB-BUSD LP staking pools will be released tomorrow at 3pm UCT. The daily output of ENERGY is 100,000 and 75% of which will be harvested from SANDPRO-BNB pool.

Many holders asked why not add SANDPRO single token staking. Here is the explanation SANDPRO single token staking will have big impact on the price of SANDPRO, at the same time it will turn the project into a dead spiral, that’s why we encourage everyone add liquidity to SANDPRO-BNB pool and make our project stronger.

Moreover, adding liquidity to SANDPRO-BNB need to burn corresponding quantity of ENERGY, thus it will accelerate the burning speed of ENERGY which will increase the value of ENERGY.

That’s the reason why we will not add SANDPRO single token staking.

Q: Is it  difficult to buy ENERGY?

A: The initial supply of ENERGY is only 10000 and 70% of which have been airdropped to top 2000 SANDPRO holders. The rest 3000 ENERGY will be added with liquidity after this AMA.

So you can see there is no liquidity in the pool now. 10000 ENERGY can never meet the demand of users since there are more than 20 million SANDPRO in the market.

Therefore, the majority ENERGY comes from staking pools. With a daily output of 10,000 ENERGY, users can earn ENERY with no cost. Users are not encouraged to sell ENERGY directly because the liquidity in ENERGY-BNB pool is extremely small at first and it would be much better if they can add liquidity to sell.

We believe that ENERGY will prove its value soon and it has better circulatory characteristic than SANDPRO. For those who worried about the transaction mechanism of SANDPRO, it is suggested to invest in ENERGY.

Q:At present, there are many projects related to metaverse and GameFi in the market, the competition is fierce. What are the selling points of SANDBOXPRO compared to other projects? Why are you confident to launch the project at this time?
A: Good question. SANDBOXPRO has lower transaction fees because SandBox Pro build its own net. The time of SandBoxPro Net on the timemap. Also, the biggest sell point should be everything is alive in the game. Builders can add the function for every NFT. We can find most metaverse projects cannot really bring players to the world game. Sandbox pro is the game which really connect the real world and metaverse

Q: As we can see the chart of SANDPRO looks strong, but there are increasing debates on this special transaction rules set for SANDPRO, what’s your response to those voices?
A: Yes, the economic model we set for SANDPRO is to increase its circulation value in the metaverse of THE ISLAND so the chart looks good for SANDPRO.

Lots of early preparers found out that its easier to sell when SANDPRO was just launched and it getting a little bit harder recently since the amount of our holders grow rapidly.

We didn’t realize that our innovative mechanism will have such negative influences for us while building the strong and beautiful growth for SANDPRO.

To solve this problem, we added the put warrant function on ENERGY and release it earlier than planned. It’s a way to solve the problem under the premise of ensuring the normal operation of SANDPRO avoiding unnecessary crowds and everyone can buy and sell in an orderly manner.

Q:SANDPRO was listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap before, why it was delisted and will it be listed on those platforms again?
A:  SANDPRO was successfully listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap within 24 hours after launch and the amount of SANDPRO holders increase more than 800 per day. However, the increasing debate mentioned in last question lead to misunderstanding that’s why SANDPRO was delisted.

We are really disappointed about delist but we are contacting with them now and hopefully SANDPRO will be relisted on those platform soon since our users are well educated with the economic model and understand what SANDBOXPRO is now.

Q: What can we expect on your roadmap in the next 3 months?
A: We will launch ENERGY today right after this AMA and staking pool will go live tomorrow at 3 pm UTC.

Both ENERGY and SANDPRO will be listed on CMC and CG at the end of this month hopefully😄

For the next month, THE ISLAND will be released in closed beta for top 300 holders of SANDPRO and it will go live to the public after that. ENERGY will be used to convert NFT to gameplay for the first time in Oct.

In November, we plan to launch the cross-chain bridge for both SANDPRO and ENERGY. Also we will launch our own SANDBOXPRO network in the late November if everthing goes well for dev team.

That’s our plan in the next three months😄

Q: Tell us more about the game ISLAND. Will there be more game launch this year?

A:  Yes, the test version will launch this year. The top 500 holders of SANDPRO can get rights to play Island firstly as their special rights. SandBox Pro Net also will be published. Players can build their own NFT. Before, we airdrop some NFT about pets. These NFT is limited, owners can release them at your own Island🐶

Q:A bright future for NFT’s. 
Can you share to us, What is your thoughts on NFTs over the next few years?

A:  There are more than 150 holders of SandBoxPro NFT collections, we will continue to have marketing activities to giveaway NFTs.

Q: NFT is really a hot topic in the cryptocurrency market now.  So how is your project planning to develop NFT then how is your project planning to integrate it with DeFi

A:  We have a UI team and designer to build some cute NFT. Every NFT has their contract and their are tracted and unique

Q: Tell us a little bit about security? Have you done an audit of the platform? Are the smart contracts error-free? What are the test results?

A:  SandBoxPro project is audited by Coinscope. Audit is in the process and they said the final report will be published on Thursday which should be tomorrow. We have to make sure everything in the contract works when our gameplay goes online. The development of SandBoxPro is much more complicated than you can image and we need to deploy our own chain this year.

Q: Can you list any reason why people should invest to your token in the long term? What is the benefit for holding your tokens?

A: SANDPRO is the only token which can trade everything in the game. And the amount of it is limited

Q: What are the benefits of taking part in your project ecosystem? I am an investor. Do you have liquidity mining or single side staking after launch?

A:  LP Mining should be the main way to earn ENERGY. ENERGY is so important for SandBox Pro

Q: What are your plans on Global adoption? Where will your main development market be? What is the next goal you want to achieve?

A:  We are not focusing on certain market but we know that the majority users are from Vietnam, United States, Philippines, India and China. We will continue our massive marketing with lots of influencers from different regions and also keep in mind that the game ISLAND will attract more organic users for SandBoxPro.

Q: How can the COMMUNITY supports and help in the success of your project?

A:  We already get supports from a lot of big influencers. You can find the list of these influencers at our site

Q: Do you have a Token Burning plan to increase Token value and attract Investors to invest?

A:  Yes, ENERGY will be burned automatically while you add liquidity to SANDPRO-BNB pool or selling SANDPRO.

Q: Can you tell me the progress of the project? And What partners do you want to target in the future?

A:  The main target partner should be Sand because we wanna connect our NFT with them

Q: Where can I buy your tokens now,, what are your current contracts and how can I buy them and what are the benefits?
You can buy it on Pancakeswap
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the SandBox Pro Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, SandBox Pro for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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