Ask Me Anything with Centaurify at ICO Speaks: Summary

centaurify ama at ico speaks
centaurify ama at ico speaks
November 12-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the Centaurify side there was:

👨‍💻Martin Bjercke |  CLMD Creative director and co-founder |@clmdmusic

Martin Bjercke / CLMD Creative director & Co-founder
– Award-winning DJ (14 platina)
90 M. plays on Spotify on top song
– 1 Billion streams a cross music platforms. 
Signed by Universal music, prev. Signed by Sony music
Been 13 years in the music industry
Judge/mentor on the hit TV show The Voice, as the first non-vocalist artist ever, worldwide
Co-founder of esports team, AW3. Winners of national Rocket league

👨‍💻David Rootwelt-Norberg, | CEO | @davidos84
I am Economist (BI Norwegian Business School) Entrepreneur
      Worked as CEO at several successful fashion businesses 18 years in the fashion industry. Worked alongside Johan Lindeberg, Mads Nørgaard, Tommy Hilfiger. Dressed artists like Post Malone, Kygo, Pink just to name a few – Considered a Brand building expert

                                                            Let’s get started!
Q: What is Centaurify aiming to achieve?
A: Centaurify has multiple primary objectives that it aims to achieve with the rollout and wide scale adoption of its platform!
The first and foremost goal is to empower artists and musicians that have for a long time now been victims of predatory corporations and labels that have used them to maximize their own profits, while not providing a fair share and all the while suppressing the artists’ creativity and expression.
Virtually all of seven+ billion people on our planet enjoy music, which is why this goal is extremely important, not just for artists, audiophiles and music fans—but for us all!
That being said, we also intend to create a worldwide community that will be united with a common goal—to enjoy music, and make the world a better place.
To further benefit this worldwide community, and the artists, we will rollout technology that will make it impossible to scalp or falsify event tickets. Both of these occurrences are essentially theft from both the artists and the event goers—and it needs to be stopped ASAP. We now have the technology to do so! I am of course talking about blockchain technology.
In essence, Centaurify’s goal is to change the way artists and creators monetize their entertainment, and connect with their fans.
Q: How exactly will Centaurify end ticket fraud & scalpers?
A: The answer is quite simple… Scalping is resolved by giving the ticket issuers the ability to set the highest and lowest price the ticket can be resold for. This is achieved by utilizing smart contracts & this feature makes scalping impossible.
or those that don’t know, scalping is when an individual buys event tickets, mostly in large quantities, with the intention to resell them at grossly inflated prices. They mostly succeed in doing so, ripping off both the artists and the event goers, because event tickets are essentially very scarce ‘objects’, and the demand for the tickets is often much higher than the supply of the tickets.
Fraud on the other hand is solved simply by issuing the tickets as NFTs. Since NFTs are, so to speak, part of the blockchain technology, which is fraud-proof and tamper-proof, falsifying these NFT tickets becomes simply impossible.
To falsify tickets one would have to succeed in attacking an entire blockchain, and it’s important to note that not a single attack has been carried out successfully—on a major blockchain.
Q: Why Cardano?
A: Centaurify chose to build primarily on Cardano for several reasons. Cardano, because of its eUTXO model and Haskell core—is one of the most secure blockchains, if not the most secure blockchain around.
It is the only peer-reviewed blockchain, one of the most efficient and ‘green’ blockchain technologies there is, and it also enjoys immense support by academia.
There are many other factors that played a role in our decision to build on Cardano, such as the fact that Cardano is one of the most decentralized networks with the most number of nodes run by the largest number of individuals, or the fact that the ecosystem is led by truly visionary, transparent and kind-hearted people.
And the ecosystem…well, the Centaurify team is just overjoyed to be a part of such a positive, welcoming and forward-looking community that truly seeks to build a better future, which is what Centaurify is all about.
To not make this response essentially an essay on why Cardano is absolutely amazing, I’ll stop here :).
To continue, as I said previously, we will build primarily on Cardano. That means we see the future of blockchain as a multi-chain boundless ecosystem that is seamlessly interconnected. That is why we will start building on Solana and Polkadot in the near future, and we plan to extend our platform’s functionality, and our ecosystem—to other blockchains.
Q: Has Centaurify been audited?
A: Yes! Centaurify’s Ethereum smart contract has been audited by the world-renowned smart contracts audit agency—Certik 😎

Q: I have questions regarding staking…Is there Centaurify token staking? If there is, What benefits does staking provide to stakers? Do I need to stake Centaurify tokens to use the platform?
A: Yup, you will be able to stake Centaurify tokens via our platform!
Staking is implemented into the Centaurify platform as a way to provide cool features to Centaurify platform supporters. You will be able to use the platform and most of its features without staking Centaurify tokens.
The staking benefits are tiered depending on how much tokens a staker stakes. The staking threshold values for staking are 500$, 1,500$ and 5,000$ worth of CENT tokens.
Listing all benefits per tier would probably be a bit too much for this AMA, so I will concisely list all the benefits together, and for precise details I welcome interested individuals to read our WP at this link
Benefits of staking: early access to NFT tickets, reflection on NFT ticket purchases (get CENT tokens every time you or someone else purchases NFT tickets), NFT staker badges, exclusive access to rare and legendary artists’ NFTs, VIP support & dedicated manager to handle all issues. 
Stakers will also receive custom rewards and perks that are set up by artists. If you are an artist that is using the platform, and you have staked CENT tokens—you will get access to special artists’ features on the platform.
Q: Who are Centaurify’s partners?

A:  Centaurify has three ‘rockstar’ partners that will immensely benefit the development and growth of our platform and ecosystem. This ‘list’ of partners will certainly continue to expand!
The first organization that we partnered with was Foundation, which provides us with crucial guidance and assistance, as well as with an extensive knowledge base and expertise.
The second organization we partnered with is certainly equally important. The organization in question is the MLabs, which will execute the building of our platform. With their experience and know-how in mind, it is without a shadow of a doubt that the Centaurify platform will be maximally secure, easy to use, super-efficient and cutting edge.
The last partnership that we recently arranged is with the Impossible Brief, which is a visual design agency. The agency is well known in the design world and the NFT world, and for good reason! We consider them to be, without flattery, one of the best visual agencies in the world!
Perhaps a good indicator of that is the fact they worked with the likes of Messi, Chainsmokers, Shakira, Adventure Club and many other legendary sportsmen, famous celebrities & duos…

Q: Do you plan to somehow support charity work?

A:  We certainly do! We will provide an option for artists that will enable them to provide a portion of their sales to flow towards the charity of their choice!
Q: I want to buy your tokens, how can I do that? ///// If someone wanted to buy your tokens right now, how would they do that?

A:  Our tokens are not up for sale yet… They will be available for purchase on 16th of November on the OccamRazer launchpad! Keep in mind there are certain prerequisites one must pass in order to be eligible for token purchase.
Please read this article if you are interested
Soon after the launch our tokens will be available on the secondary markets. You will have to follow our social media channels to find out more information—once it has been published.

Q: What will guarantee Centaurify’s platform security?

A:  Our platform will be built using the Cardano native smart contract language—Plutus. Plutus is based on Haskell, while Haskell is built with a strong emphasis on correct code execution. This guarantees the code is always executed as expected, and there are no nasty surprises!
In other words, this means that by utilizing Plutus as a foundation for our platform, we are ensuring maximum security for our users.

Q: Why will the team perform the initial launch on Ethereum, if it plans to build on Cardano?

A:  Smart contracts have been implemented into the Cardano blockchain, however at the moment the Cardano launchpads have not finalized implementation of these Cardano smart contracts.
We are very passionate regarding our mission and we want to start building our platform and our community as soon as possible, which means launching on Ethereum is one of the most reasonable options we have.

Q: How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not good? Do you plan to develop many different communities such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, … about your project so that they can easily communicate and understand your project?

A:  We have teamed up with advisors from SEA – Fam central. These will help us

Q: What makes your project different from other projects?

A:  What differs us that we have a huge network inte music industry. @clmdmusic is a 14 platinum awarded DJ. So with this we can easy go to market
Q: Can you please explain what are the advantages of using your Platform and is it friendly for beginners like me?

A: User Friendly & Offering
Fiat on Ramps.
Centaurify offers fiat on ramps for
users to send their fiat currency into
$CENT tokens.

Q: Are you aiming to use local communities to raise more awareness among these people in different countries?

A: As we are building a global company we will have hubs in every corner. North, South America, Europe and South East ASIA is where we will looking into first.
Q: Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to join your project?

A:  This project based on real world  utility based on blockchain technology. So we are most definitely talking to non crypto people. Honestly we are surprised over how little pushback there has been

Q: On your website you don’t mention that you have done any internal or external audit of your smart contract, so can you give us details if you have done any audit before? And in case you haven’t, would you plan to perform any review of your smart contract in the near future?

A: will be published before IDO
Q: Southeast Asia is a very vibrant market and there are many new platforms under development. So what do you think about Southeast Asia and do you have plans to grow there?

A: Major plans to go in to this market! We have investors heavily involved in these territories, so this is an important market for us

Q: All project coins have their main utilities & real-life usecase! So, can you tell us What are the main role of your coin in your ecosystem?

A:  Cenaturify’s ecosystem is fueled by
$CENT enabling a number of unique
features. Depending on the amount of $CENT
staked users have access to different
tiers of VIP early access & rewards. read WP here:
Q: Trust is very important in business, what makes investors, customers and users feel safe when working with your project ?

A:  We are all doxxed and @clmdmusic is a public person. Even been a juge at the Voice in Norway for 2 years. On our website you can find linkedIn profiles on all the core members and advisors:

Q: Can you briefly describe your partnerships so far and upcoming partnerships?

A: – the best Haskell and Rust devs in the space. Certi for audit – COTI for fiat-onramp . for incubation and IDO.. Only the best of the best works for us.
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Centaurify Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Centaurify for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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