Ask Me Anything with Triall at ICO Speaks: Summary

triall ama at ico speaks
triall ama at ico speaks
November 5-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the Triall side there was:


💻 Raymond vd Waal | Co-founder & Head of Marketing at Triall  |@rxvdwaal

My name is Raymond van der Waal and I’m co-founder and Head of Marketing at I’ve been involved with Triall since its foundation almost 4 years ago and I’m currently lead responsible for all of our marketing and partnering activities. My background is in biomedical sciences and business management and I have previously built experience as a researcher and consultant


                                                        Let’s get started!
Q:  Can you briefly introduce Triall?
A:  Triall brings web 3.0 to the 200-billion-dollar clinical trial industry, an industry that works to research the safety and efficacy of new medicines so these can be applied to prevent or treat diseases

We provide a blockchain infrastructure that enables the integration of clinical trial software into a decentralized digital ecosystem: the Triall ecosystem

By connecting to Triall’s infrastructure, researchers can secure their systems, data, and workflows. As a result, clinical trial evidence cannot be manipulated, and systems and devices can exchange data in a secure and traceable way.

Over the past 3 years, we developed and commercialized our first product Verial eTMF: a document management solution that enables users to establish verifiable proof of the integrity of clinical trial documents using blockchain. Verial eTMF is now being used across multiple commercial clinical trial projects, and will soon be onboarded in a COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial 🙂

Q: Tell us about your team?
A: Triall was founded in 2018 by a team of medical research professionals to directly target several issues we had witnessed ourselves over the years. Combined, the team has managed 100+ clinical trials and published 250+ scientific papers on innovation in medical research. In three years time, Triall has grown into a global initiative that includes leading partners and experts from across the clinical trial, enterprise software, and blockchain/crypto domains. You can have a look at our website for an overview of our team and partners

Q:  What problem are you trying to solve?
A:  It currently takes 10 years (!) of clinical trials on average before a new medicine can enter the market -> a process that involves many different stakeholders across various locations, each applying their own systems and workflows.

Today’s lengthy development timelines are fueled by increasing amounts of data, often scattered across different systems and devices.

Not surprisingly, the vast majority of medical researchers experience a lack of oversight in their clinical trials, and often struggle to ensure that research data remains complete, consistent, and accurate over time.

We strongly believe that blockchain offers unique opportunities to secure and streamline clinical trial operations over time.

And by implementing this technology we want to accelerate the development of new medicines so that these can be used to prevent or treat diseases 😇

Q:  What’s the utility of your token $TRL?
A:  So we introduced our own utility token $TRL on September 28, after a succesful pre-sale campaign that raised 2,4M USD

This utility token functions as the ecosystem’s primary means of payment, while also enabling P2P compensation, community engagement, governance, and token lock-up incentives (think memberships and staking rewards)  when I say payment I mean payment for software solutions offered within the Triall ecosystem, These solutions can be offered by Triall, Or other third party connected vendors.

We take a unique approach where we integrate with other clinical trial software providers, effectively turning competitors into collaborators

Q: You recently listed on PancakeSwap, tell us more about that?
A:  So as part of our vision to build a multi-chain digital ecosystem we recently launched TRL on BSC. Initially we are/were an ETH project only. But we strongly believe in a blockchain-agnostic approach, both on the product and token side.

To illustrate, our product can easily be integrated with many blockchains such as ethereum, bitcoin, LTO network, Factom Protocol, and HyperLedger.

We’re happy to be able to now also offer our investors and stakeholders liquidity on both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain 🙂

Q:  Can you also explain a bit more about your new ETH<>BSC token bridge
A: So listing and providing liquidity on two platforms is one thing . But enabling cross-chain compatibility is another. Yesterday we launched our ETH<>BSC bridge, which enables token holders to swap in between platforms. This way your not stuck with one or the other

And it also helps with arbitrage. Here’s some more info on the bridge: 

Which we launched together with our partner Ferrum Network

Q: Are there any CEX listings planned in the short-term?
A:  We’ll be making an announcement on that very soon.

We’re only getting started and promoting the liquidity and tradability of $TRL is one of our top priorities
Q: What other milestones are you working on?

A:  So as briefly mentioned we’re looking to get CEX listed very soon.

Next to that we’re talking with various stakeholders in the clinical trial realm, both software users (think research institutes, pharma companies, hospitals, etc.) and software providers (who can integrate through our blockchain APIs).

Q: Can you briefly describe your PARTNERSHIP so far and upcoming partnerships?

A:  These past months we’re grown a lot in terms of advisors and technical partners (e.g. Zokyo, LTO Network, Ferrum Network, Faculty Group) who all have a deep understanding of the crypto space and each bring their own unique mix of expertise, knowledge, and network. As a startup, I cannot emphasize how valuable it is to surround yourself with a value network of synergetic partners, advisors, investors, and stakeholders. In our case this value network really bridges the healthcare and crypto domains. We strongly believe that bringing all these stakeholders together in one single ecosystem will lead to synergies and network effects that go beyond our imagination
Q: Southeast Asia is a very vibrant market and there are many new platforms under development. So what do you think about Southeast Asia and do you have plans to grow there?

A: I agree! Triall is a project with global ambitions (as you can see on our website Our business development will initially focus on the EU & US markets, to gain traction and market dominance. We have a strong footprint in these markets, thanks to having managed a lot of clinical trials in the past across Europe and the US. After building traction across these continents we have the power to successfully scale our operations to the rest of the world, including the (Southeast) Asian and African markets
Q: What is PROJECT’s revenue model? In which ways do you generate revenue/profit?

A:  Good question! We will offer all of our software solutions under a tokenized software-as-a-service (SaaS) subscription model where customers pay for software and related services using our token. 
Essentially we serve two customer groups:
(1) software users: clinical trial professionals working at pharma/biotech companies, specialized service providers (‘Contract Research Organizations’), and hospitals who use Triall solutions in their day-to-day clinical trial operations.
(2) software providers: vendors who can leverage our APIs to integrate with our infrastructure, providing them with an easy entry into blockchain functionalities and allowing them to communicate with other solutions that are connected to our platform
Q:Every innovation in technology means it must contain a concept about “EFFICIENCY” by its use case. 
So, what makes you believe that Triall’s innovative feature could be a solution to overcome the common pain on blockchain industry?
A:  This is a very good point. It’s dangerous to focus too much on the features and the technology instead of focusing on the advantages and benefits offered by that technology. We are looking to implement blockchain only where it really adds value and we always consider the end-result. Ultimately, our clients are looking for a solution that makes their day-to-day operations more-efficient. Through a combination of cloud-based software and blockchain APIs we help them with streamlining their activities and securing their data 🙂
Q:Staking program is very important for
 any project, Can i stake your token? Do you have any plan of starting staking program?
A: Good point. We do have a staking program, that’s currently open for staking. This program operates on Ethereum and can be accessed here:

In the future, we’re also considering running a staking program on BSC. 

Please note that you can trade $TRL on PancakeSwap here: 
And you can trade $TRL on Uniswap here: 
(as I also saw a lot of questions on this)
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Triall Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Triall for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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