Ask Me Anything with Mcontent at ICO Speaks: Summary

mcontent ama at ico speaks
mcontent ama at ico speaks

August 24-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the  Mcontent side there were:
Umair Masoom (TG Link – Founder MContent
Franky (TG Link – Chief of Token Marketing
                                            Let’s get started!

Q:  What is MContent?
A : MContent is introducing the world’s first digital content market place that aims to
build a collaborative content ecosystem with the core purpose of seed funding,
incubating and curating film makers and content producers around the World.
 This platform will create direct financing and investments for deserving content creators,
film professionals and media artists who have the talent but not the resources giving
them access to global investors as well as a global audience.

Q:Do Content Creators need funding?

A: Content is a form of art. And art is the expression or application of human creative
skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing
works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Unfortunately,
when content is monetized by a sponsor, it tends to lose its original expression to match
the requirements of the sponsor. Therefore, various content creators struggle all their
life to actually create projects they truly desire, due to not having enough funds. We
believe these are masterpieces that never find a screen or a place, and we aim to bring
these ideas to life.

Q: Why & How Tokenize?

A: MContent is utilizing the power of blockchain to interconnect the world of content
creators with a potential pool of global investors. In the years to come, MContent will be
established as the platform that changes the lives of those who have the potential, the
capability but do not have an audience. By providing them access to a dynamic and
self-sustaining funded ecosystem, we will enable not just the content creators but also
provide indirect employment opportunities to the hundreds of associated professionals
within the film, music & content creation industries. Tokenizing will allow:
1. Investment & Scale:
a. Shared ownership across the platform
b. Global outreach from Day one
c. Seed scalability with large investor base
2. Human Capability
a. Combined experience of many decades
b. Content Creators & Block Chain experts
c. Strong Volunteer base
3. Automated User base:
a. Accessing a 200,000 plus userbase upon platform launch
b. Content monetization from day one
c. Global Content Consumption
4. Stakeholders of Success:
  1. Creating a stakeholding for content creators, filmmakers, youtubers,
artists, musicians and the token holders

Q: Tokenomics?

A:  10% percent transaction tax
· 4% is allocated to the Content Creators Fund (“CCF”) which is used in various
ways to fund and pay for content creation within the platform
· 5% is taken in order to build the Liquidity Pool on PancakeSwap further
securing the price floor
· 1% is redistributed to all MContent holders, generating passive income over
All transactions are limited under 1% of total supply to mitigate price volatility. Due to the
initial burn of 30% total supply, MContent is hyper deflationary in nature as the 1%
reflections occur with every transition.
The backbone of the tokenomics is the CCF as this is what grows the scale of MContent overtime.

Q: Progress?

A: MContent’s Achievements Thus Far:
– Founder and Team Doxxed
– Professional Whitepaper on Day 1
– Audits: Solidity Finance Audit, Certik Audit
Exchanges & Holders:
– Bitmart Exchange on Day 2
– Listed on BKEX Exchange on Day 2 | $700,000 trading volume
– Listed on CoinGecko Day 1 and CMC imminent!
– 10,000 Holders
– Large Scale Ad banner campaign underway
– Billboard in Times Square
– Article in Yahoo Finance
– 50+ articles & publications
– 4 Influencer Reviews
– 10+ Celebrity/Influencer Shoutouts
– 12K+ Telegram Community members
– Gave away 20,000 USD
– Gave away over 1 trillion tokens
Product & Project
– Full functioning Beta MCONTENT App Launched on Day 1 available on Play Store
and iOS
– 500+ applications received for seed fund allocation to content creators
– First MOriginals Film Premiering September
– El Savador vs World Bank documentary with one of the biggest production houses in
the world
– Content creators, celebrities and influencers lined up and on board
– Solid Dubai based investors
Q: When is the documentary coming out?

A: The documentary film on El Salvaldor vs World Bank is due to be completed in
September 2021. This is an ideal time for the documentary as Bitcoin is due to become
the legal tender in El Salvador on the 7th of September.

Q: Who is going to be featured in the film?

A: Whereas we are yet to disclose the everyone who is featuring but the more
important personalities include:
– Peter Mccormmack
– President of El Salvador
– Bitcoin Beach Boys
– Joe Stumpf
Q: What else is mcontent working on?

A: MContent is a long term project. Our first priority is to provide seed fund to as many
content creators around the well as possible. We are also working on a platform to
cover all our other verticals;
– MSeed: Content Creators space
– MTrade: The marketplace offering of MContent allowing content creators and
rights owners to trade, auction, buy and sell content with a global audience of
buyers and sellers
– MOriginals: Original projects from MContent like the World Bank vs El Salvador
Documentary film. Products that will define the legacy of MContent & announce
our arrival to the World through global scale film, web-series, short film &
documentary projects
– MBrowser: Our App and website that will contain a library of content for viewing,
with the aspiration to become the leading OTT platform in the years to come
using the power of MSeed and MOriginal
– MWork: Co-creation and requisitioning space that will allow global content
creators and their clients to meet all their sourcing and transactional needs with
regards to content creation.
Q:How long before the MContents web platform comes into full swing?

A: The platform, both web and mobile applications, are in the development stages as
we speak. We are working on a sophisticated platform with a prominent software house.
Whereas the complete platform

Q:Will the NFT be worth a few million dollars soon?  Do you plan to add Nft ecosystem to your project?

A: Yes it is part of MTrade plans as you can see in the whitepaper. We are also launching our first NFTs very soon with a partners support

Q:Is Your Project available for the global people or It’s limited for some area? If it’s globally available are you guies planing to introduce it globally?

A: If you look at the marketing we have done and the MSeed applications we have received its all global. Content creators exist in every part of the world and we cater to everyone
Q: Security is the most important thing to consider want starting up a project, how secured is this project for users and investors?

A: This is as secured as it gets. We locked 95% of our LP for one year. We have had two successful audits. 13 team members are doxed. We are building a PE firm behind it of a global scale. This is the only project where your money is secured by an asset like content

Q:Do you have Whitepaper if yes please share it with us and secondly do you have plans for pre-sale? Where can we join it?

A: We’ve already launched and we’ve been growing steadily in an uptrend. As for the whitepaper, here’s the link – 
Additionally, you can purchase right now through PancakeSwap or Bitmart 🙂  if you have any additional questions, please head over to our Telegram –

Q:Do you have an ambassador program available? If yes, how can I join it? And may I know what’s the benefit available for the ambassador?

A: We have a group where I can introduce you to someone who can give you more info. Send me a DM pls to discuss further

Q:  When a creator wants to start a project, what kind of documentation will they need to provide? Will it really be possible to crowdfund from any country when the platform goes live? Or will there still be some restrictions?


A: Every content creator needs to submit an elevator pitch video to us which is upto 3 mins. In this video the content creator will give us a background on themselves and also a summary of their content idea for which they are seeking seed funding.
Then all elevator pitches are shared with the panel of experts who are from different content creator backgrounds (film producers, directors, social media content creators)
They will then review and share their feedback

Q: Do you have any plans to add Nft’s to your ecosystem as this is the hottest topic in the crypto space?

A: Yes! We’ve just signed a partnership with Altura NFT (www.alturanft) 
We know that NFTs are becoming very popular and aren’t slowing down anytime soon and NFTs was already planned before 🙂
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Mcontent Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Mcontent for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂




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