Crypto Telegram Groups for beginners

crypto telegram groups

For beginners in Crypto, it can be extremely difficult trying to understand Market trends, Candlestick patterns, moving averages, and the other technical analyses that are embedded in Cryptocurrency.

Imagine someone that got introduced to Cryptocurrency some weeks ago and expected to know who to pick a trade, when all that person knows how to do is simply buy and HOLD.

Therefore, beginners, most times subscribe to or join a Telegram channel or group to be able to make better trades and also have great insight into the market that they are trading.

But with the plethora of Crypto telegram groups today, it can be a herculean task to pick the one that is best suited for you as a beginner.

On the other hand, verified traders have considerable experience in different cryptocurrency platforms, but how do they keep up with the immense number of cryptocurrency projects in the world today? There are more than 12,000 cryptocurrencies and even more, projects are coming up as the day turns into weeks and months.

Therefore, these expert traders join an elite crypto telegram group to gain more knowledge on emerging cryptocurrency projects that are promising and worth investing in.

This is also a strong reason for many beginners joining a crypto telegram group because they are not sure of the projects that are emerging.

At least they have not gotten to the stage where they can conduct due diligence to understand what the project is about and how it will benefit them.

But with Crypto giants in these telegram groups pointing them in the right direction, joining a group seems to be a wise decision.

In this article, we will look at the things that a great crypto telegram group will offer newbies and expert traders to gain more insight and make better decisions in the Crypto market.

crypto telegram groups 24/7 Support

A great crypto telegram will offer one of the most basic things that traders and crypto enthusiasts need, and that is 24/7 support.

This does not mean that it is solely the admin that will respond to questions on the group, but some groups have verified Crypto giants that can help answer questions that traders might ask. Crypto telegram groups like ICO SPEAKS and ICO Listing have verified members with incredible amounts of experience in different areas of Cryptocurrency. So, questions that are posed in the group can be promptly answered.

Plus, a great crypto telegram group should offer you tangible results of the signals that have been provided. This means there needs to be an example of how the signal or the strategy has worked in the past.

This is because Cryptocurrency is all about understanding trends, so if a particular strategy worked before, chances are that it will work again.

New and Exciting Crypto Projects

There are crypto telegram channels like ICO speaks news, DeFi Million, and IEO pools that provide members with an incredible amount of the latest happenings in the Crypto world. So, if you are looking for a great Crypto telegram platform you should be sure that you will get exciting new projects that are worth investing in.

What is the purpose of having a crypto telegram group without providing insight on how to make great investments? On ICO Speaks, there are records where members commented about the success of a project that was introduced to the group some weeks back.

It is truly soothing to realize that the project that was introduced to the group turned out to become a booming investment.


There is no way you can go on your Crypto journey, do not let anyone tell you lies. Even the Crypto giants will tell you that they have a trusted set of people or community that they have a special connection with that has helped them through their rise to the top.

So, one of the ways to know a great Crypto telegram group is by the number of genuine connections it offers. For example, ICO Speaks has up to 70,000 active members that are all excited about connecting with people in Crypto.

Plus, a great Telegram group will have a lot of friendly members, so you can reach any of them to talk about Cryptocurrency and gain ascendancy in your journey.


Asides from offering members a great deal of exciting and new Crypto projects, a great crypto telegram group will also provide credible information about these projects. There are groups that have scammed many people. However, crypto telegram channels like BTC Champ, Bitcoin Traffic, and Crypto  Evolution provide cross-platform access to the projects that they introduce on their platforms.

This means that you can go beyond the information that is given and check the website, and social media pages of the project. In retrospect, you will get a host of different projects to invest in with credible and ample information on each one of them.

Insights on the Market

ICO SPEAKS is one of the best crypto telegram groups out there today, one of the reasons is that members will always point you in the right direction. There are days when a member poses a question to the group and that ignites a full discussion on the project and the best ways to make a profit since people have invested in that project before.

With an active community of Crypto enthusiasts and giants, you can be sure that you have a safe space to talk about strategies and gain insights into different Crypto markets.


It is best to take time to observe the crypto telegram group that you join. Ensure that the members are active, plus, weigh in on some of the discussions, you never know the people watching. Who knows you could get a fruitful connection with another trader and that can boost your portfolio.

There are stories of people that have connected via crypto telegram groups and have gone on to make so much money. Check out the telegram groups and channels that have been listed in this article, if you are looking to gain insight and scale up in your Cryptocurrency journey.


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