Ask Me Anything with Unilord at ICO Speaks: Summary

Unilord ama
unilord ama at ico speaks
August 2-nd   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From Unilord side there was: 
Billy|Growth Lead at Unilord |@UnilordBilly
 It’s a pleasure to speak with everyone here. My name is Billy and am the Growth Lead at UNILORD. As for my background and involvement in crypto, I majored in finance and marketing during college, which made me have a strong interest in current trends that the financial system was undergoing as well as the up and coming systems. As a result, I’ve been carefully looking into the blockchain space and working with multiple project since 2016



                            Let’s get started!

Q:  What is the essence of Unilord

A:  The give you a quick synopsis on the essence of Unilord.
UNILORD is a cohesive one-stop DeFi shop where any user can easily utilize UNILORD’s native tokens PEER and LORD to seamlessly transition between and access both its NFT platform and its DeFi Financial services.
Incorporating both traditional DeFi financial services with NFTs will bring out the true potential of both sectors while bringing convenience and ease to users

Q: Tell us about the benefits of your platform. How is it different from others?

A: As stated just now with the essence of Unilord, the goal of our platform is to create a one-stop DeFi shop. This is just one aspect that will differentiate our platform from ones that are currently out there that merely act as a platform to buy, sell, mint, and trade NFTs
Another is the fact that we are teamed up and partnered with Tooniplay, one of the most well-established players in the Asian fantasy, anime, and gaming market. Tooniplay’s value proposition is obvious- they gamify some of Asia’s favorite brands and fantasy worlds to allow users to play with their favorite characters and lore in-game
To summarize:
1. We can differentiate ourselves by creating a cohesive platform where users can easily leverage everything Defi Space has to offer.
2. Our unique partnership with Tooniplay gives us access to some of the worlds most famous and loved brands.
3. As of now, NFT ends when a user buys it. There is no further leverage. We plan on working with Tooniplay which allows users to further leverage their NFTs and give them value. I would love to expand on this but as of now, we are waiting to release it. To give you guys a little teaser I pose you this question. What if you could combine and synthesize your NFTS to make a higher grade one? What if your NFTs could be integrated into the metaverse?
4. Multi-chain NFT Platform

Q: What kind of perks do you offer holders?

A:  Both our native tokens LORD and PEER rewards holder by nature.

All PEER transactions that occur throughout our protocol incurs a 3% transaction fee thus causing a deflationary supply. This promotes PEER holders as their PEER will become more and more valuable over time.
As for LORD, it is our protocol dividend token that allows users to receive a portion of peer burn as well as receive dividends that come from our platform fees such as within our NFT platform
This is the link to our homepage that is being updated. You can view our testing of our UNiNFT by heading to our homepage and looking there at UNiNFT 🙂

Q: How will Unilord address the high transaction fees and slow transaction speeds of ETH main net?

A:  The majority of projects built on the Ethereum Network have the same concerns regarding transaction fees and speed. We deployed Unilord on the Ethereum network first to ensure UNILORD’s first step goes smoothly since we believe the ETH network is the most compatible and secure network in terms of Defi as it has already been battle-tested.
As we quickly stated earlier, we will then transition to be multi-chained. We have already started development and will let you know of the expected release as soon as possible!

Q:  Tell us about your partnerships. What do they offer?

A:  We would like to release more of our partners as well get closer to releasing products related to the actual companies.
Two of the main partnerships we are ready to disclose are with Tooniplay and Gallery Herzium.

I will outline quickly what they have to offer

Gallery Herzium:
Most museums rent their artwork from the original owners or foundations. However, Gallery Herzium owns the actual art pieces. They own some of the most prestigious art pieces in Korea the likes of which are from collections of Kim Whanki, Chun Kyungcha, Park Seu-goon
Our partnership with Tooniplay allows us the provision of exclusive licensed content.
We don’t want to release the actual IPs of which we are releasing but we will disclose them in the near future so make sure to follow our channels! Just for your reference, Tooniplay has the ability to access IPs such as (Bleach, Hunter X Hunter, Ultraman, Super Robot Wars) just to name a few. They are all heavy hitters.
We want to elaborate on our partnership with Tooniplay. If you get a chance to read more about them, they classified as a gaming company within Korea. Not only do they have access to special IPs, but they have great knowledge of games.
What if we can work and put something out that integrations gaming into the NFT work? What if we can integrate NFTs into the metaverse? 🙂

Q:  Can you talk about your token and how it is used within your ecosystem?

A: have two native tokens within our protocol: PEER, and LORD
Peer- Utility Token
– Settle and fund transactions in UNiNFT and UNiFINANCE
– 3% Transaction fee
– NFT Platform Perks
LORD – Governance Token
-Acts as a dividend token (Through all the platform services)
-Community Governance
-Only minted once 100 PEER is burnt and used for LORD minting
Each Token has its own unique perks depending on the platform. There are so many so it’d be best to check out our intro deck that can be seen at

Q: Is your project decentralized?

A: To get the project up(UNiNFT) and running, we can’t truly say that it is decentralized at this time. We have a team behind the project that are making most the decisions including which IPS are being curated and brought onto our platform. We also have initially set the amount of peer released during platform missions and more.
This will however transition into a fully decentralized protocol once enough users are in our community and we have enough lord holders that can create proposals and vote. We will do our best to make sure that this process is as fair as possible and will work with the community to help this process occur.
As for our financial sector that is still undergoing 6 months backtest (Development is finished) , it is completely decentralized.
I want to clarify our financial area of UNILORD, UNiFINANCE
The development is finished but because it has to do with our community members’ finances, we believe that the right thing to do is to do excruciating and detailed backtesting. We will continue to do full testing and will release its services once we are confident. The open date will be released through our social media channels so stay tuned!
Q: Have your codes been audited? By Who?

A:  Our token source codes have been audited by Certik, one of the most respected auditing firms in the world. We are constantly working on developing our code and updating them which will need future audits. All of these audits will be done by Certik and will be done before any of the official launch of their relevant services. The dates will be announced and shared through all our communication channels so make sure to follow us!
Q:  How can i stay updated with your project?  Can you share your telegram, Twitter, website and social link where are we find you?

A: Although a simple question we feel it is necessary to share our social media presence so you guys can ask your questions in case we can’t get to them now!
Homepage:  (THIS WILL TRANSITION TO  starting tomorrow evening!
Make sure to give us a follow for the latest news! We still have a lot we want to share with you guys! We also have events planned to reward our users to make sure to hit that follow!
Q: Is  UNILORD   a global project? Is there a plan to reach the Korean, European and African communities? will you run multiple language lines for people who are not native English?

A:  UNILORD is a global project. As of now, we have our platform supporting only the language English but we will expand so that it fits our user profiles.
You may have noticed that a lot of partners are in Korea and that is because we are working on securing a variety of IPs in the Korean peninsula such as the very sought-after Korean K-POP Star Ips. We will release more on this in the near future!
Q:  What is your top 3 things for priorities in 2021? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year?

A:  We have many priorities in 2021 as we have been working constantly on developing the code and bringing way that can help our community users. We can get into too much detail as of now as we have different plans on disclosing the updates.
1.) Securing more IPs that will satisfy our users (World-known Anime IPs, KPOP Stars, Fine Art, Artists, etc.)
2.) Further developing our platform and releasing BETA versions where our users can interact and give us feedback on what they want to see improved. (UNiNFT & UNiFINANCE)
3.) Push out actual NFTs using the unique IPs we have exclusive access to
4.) Share with you guys how you can further leverage NFTs. Bringing gamification to the NFT world and integrating it into the metaverse. We have MANY updates regarding this so make sure to follow us!
Q:  For each project, community factors contribute to the success of the project. Do you have any plans for long-term community, development?

A:  As stated earlier, our goal is to create a decentralized environment where our community members can drive the future of the platform and the protocol.
We are already testing methods for our holders to create proposals and vote using our native tokens. This will allow users to change fees, vote on which IPs they want to secure next, change in code, and everything else.
We do understand that this may take time and a team needs to head the initial development of it before the community can take over. We will continuously work with the community so that this will be a smooth transition
Q: How do we invest in the project?? Do we have locking period or a minimum requirement to be eligible?

A:  Our project is currently listed on UNiSWAP. We did not engage in an IDO nor any private sales. We wanted it to be fair for all our users rewarding earlier investors. I will post the link before and you can see first hand  how are users have benefited over time through their faith in our project!
Q: Are you planning to organize a contest or bounty program to attract more customers?Do you intend to develop apps for android/ios?

A:  We are planning to organize contents and bounty programs. More on this will be released in the coming days through our communication channels. These events will reward users that help share our project! You will be rewarded greatly for your work.
As of yet, we do not have app development on android/ios in our roadmap but if this is what our community wants and is sharing with us, then we must take into consideration their needs!
Q:  Many projects are already offering similar solutions with you, what’s your recipe for success and plan to outplay possible competitors and remain relevant in the foreseeable future?

A: We realize that NFT platforms are the big movement, especially in up and coming projects. We plan to differentiate ourselves through an NFT Synthesis and card collection system.
This is why Tooniplay is so unique and offer a great deal in our partnership. They have great background and knowledge in gaming which they will help bring into the NFT World.
We also have partners that will guide us into the Metaverse. Our partnerships and our goal of creating a bigger and more expandable industry will guide us into the right direction. We will constantly push out use cases that will allow users to not merely hold NFTs but further leverage them in ways they have never thought of before.
We have a bunch of updates we want to share you guys but we will have to share it official on our community channels first. So make sure to be apart of our community to find out more!
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Unilord Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Unilord  for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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