Ask Me Anything with TokLok at ICOSpeaks: AMA Summary

TokLok AMA at ICOSpeaks
TokLok AMA at ICOSpeaks
August 5-th TokLok held an Ask Me Anything session with the ICOSpeaks team at our telegram chat.

1️⃣ Block 1  – self introduction from  today’s  speaker 
Before we go to the first set of questions, could you please do a short self-intro?
👨‍💻  Paulina Owner of the Toklok | @Paulina_Wozniak_Kolodziej 
My name is Paulina and I am the owner of the Toklok and Tol project. I have been running a softwarehouse for over a dozen years and we have implemented projects in the field of cryptography and blockchain.

2️⃣ Block 2 – project introduction by speakers


First set of questions to introduce the project!

Q: Why Toklok is the best?
A:  Toklok does not deceive users. Toklok has focused on the user’s privacy guarantees. If you use a toklok, no one will come to us and ask for your correspondence because we simply do not have it and we do not store it. I will give an example if you send me a picture and I am offline on a telegram, this picture is waiting on the Telegram server until I read it and stays there forever. If I am offline on Toklok, I will only receive a notification that you want to send me such a photo and you will send it only when I am online
Our Plans! 
We want to be the most used communication application on the market!
we have now entered the Samsung Knox Program, which means great trust in our messenger and great opportunities. We also conduct talks with many large companies and institutions. We also have a huge plan for next year and that is why we have released Tol Tokens. We are working on a solution that will allow Toklok to work even without the Internet.
Q: Where we can find You ? 
You can find us on AppStore and Googleplay 
Q:  Is it safe to invest in this, for AUDIT is really needed, do you have one? 
A: We have audits of the companies we work with. We can safely say that these companies are leaders in the global security market. Unfortunately, we cannot present the reports themselves due to security reasons. Security and the need to protect private data is an increasingly frequent topic that creates needs in global markets. Therefore, we believe that an investment in TOL is a safe way to invest your capital.
Q: What strategy will you adopt to keep $TOL stable amidst this Bearish market condition we are experiencing right now? Almost 80% investors just focus on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?

A: More and more global companies are buying user data and the data itself is becoming an interesting commodity. Those users who are already aware of this process can see how much an application like TokLok is needed on the market. TOL Token is a reflection of this awareness, thus creating value
3️⃣ Block 3 – question from ICO Speaks team


Questions from ICOSpeaks team!


Q: What is TOL?
A: TOL  is part of our ecosystem. Thanks to the funds obtained, we will develop Toklok that you will be able to use it without the need to use the Internet. The benefits of buying a Tol are prepared for you too.

Q:What are the benefits for ToL buyers?
A: first, if you purchase ToL, you have a chance to get lifetime free access to Toklok.
Secondly, 30% of the profits flowing from Toklok are intended for distribution to the owners of Tokens. Third, if you do not sell the Tokens within 12 months, you have a guaranteed profit of 8.3% on the deposit.

Q:Tell us more about your token?


A: Our token is alive and is already present on two exchanges: Lbank and Coinsbit, which means that we are a real project worth investing in because we are not a scam!

Q: Is the App ready ? 
A: The application is ready and fully functional. It is appreciated and tested by experts both in Poland and around the world. By purchasing a TOL token you will contribute to faster development of the communicator and supplementing it with new features.

Q: The Token is trading?
A: One exchange has already signed on for TOL trading, and the TokLok team is working with several more to bring a variety of TOL trading pairs to the market.

Q: Rapid increase TOL Token price how it works?
A: Our TOL token may yield a significant return on investment within a short period of time thanks to TokLok rising popularity among users, companies, and institutions.

Q: Bonuses for TOL Token Buyers
A: Investors who purchase a significant amount of TOL tokens can receive exclusive rewards, such as lifetime TokLok access and passive income opportunities.
4️⃣ Block 4 –  Community Voice.

Community asks the questions they are interested in.

Q: Are you afraid some day there will be another project with more innovative technology can replace your project ?

A: I am not afraid because all the know-how is in our hands, our code is not open and according to all technology it is unbreakable

Q: According to the roadmap, what are your most important next priorities? Does your team have enough funds and strong community to achieve those milestones?

A: the next biggest step is we want to eliminate the need to use internet to use Toklok. The whole project is in our hands and we have financed it so far!

Q: What’s your main focus right now, are you focused on the community or market/Exchange or the products?

A: Every steps are very important for us now- development app , selling Tokens, marketing and new Exchange. Only if we will work in all this field together we will have big Success!

Q: How can users stay updated with this project? Are there channels, including local communities where users can get the latest updates?

A:  Yes how I told today on this AMA we have Chanel on telegram!

Q: Can you explain, which one is your top priority? Security, Product, Partnership, or Token price?

A: Everything for me because only if everything works together it will be successfully for us
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the TokLok Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, TokLok for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


Wanna know more?

Read our AMA guide on how to Launch successfully AMA Session in telegram


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