Ask Me Anything with Aurora at ICOSpeaks: AMA Summary

Aurora ama at ICOSpeaks
Aurora ama at ICOSpeaks
June 10-th Aurora held an Ask Me Anything session with the ICOSpeaks team at our telegram chat

1️⃣ Block 1  – self introduction from  today’s  speaker 
Before we go to the first set of questions, could you please do a short self-intro?
👨‍💻  George Narita |  CEO  | @georgenarita
My name is George Narita, I’m de CEO of Aurora42, and I’m currently working with a team of approximately 40 people. I’m a mechanical engineer and an executive with more than 20 years of experience in Project Management and Business Process Management. I have also implemented various types of ERP in big industries working in different countries. About 4 Years ago, I got into a crypto project to develop microchips dedicated to crypto mining.


2️⃣ Block 2 – project introduction by speakers
First set of questions to introduce the project!

Q1:  What is Aurora?

A: Regarding Aurora 42, I consider it a new universe, a new dimension that opens the way to a new era. A place created to offer new opportunities and experiences and transform the reality of its inhabitants.
 A place where you can find the answers to all the questions when we ask ourselves while living in a dynamic world that is constantly changing.
 Here, you will also find all the tools to explore new horizons and take advantage of the emerging opportunities in this era of decentralized economy and WEB3.
And the most important thing,It will be a metaverse dedicated to entrepreneurship where you can find projects related to game art and culture.

Q1: . What are the advantages of Your project?
A: The most significant advantage we have is a diversified economic model, not just limited to games.
Our differential is that we aim to stimulate native entrepreneurship on the web3 using the playful language of the metaverse.
Our economic model will provide tools for entire communities to develop their economy and achieve sovereignty in this new era.
We want to take it to the next level as a metaverse platform; its evolution is a contrast to commercially-driven digital asset malls (like Decentraland and Sandbox)
Q2: Can you elaborate on the features that help the users in the Aurora ecosystem to create businesses?
A: There are so many features being implemented it I would spend hours writing about them. But I will get a quick one ….. We will have competitions and events to promote entrepreneurship where users can present their ideas. With these selected ideas, they can receive investment from the aurora fund as well as other users can also make investments in these projects.
With the use of competitions and events aimed at entrepreneurship that will be promoted in the metaverse, these ideas will get visibility and thus draw the attention of the public and consequently of investors. Our significant differential will be to use the power of people’s networks in this environment. The creativity of each one is unlimited; what we will provide are the tools for it to be seen. Making an analogy with the outside world, it would be as if we made a hackathon inside the metaverse.

Q3: Can you tell us how Aurora promotes talent in art, music, fashion, and others?
A: People say “art is the food of life,” and in Aurora 42, it’s also what feeds entrepreneurs looking for inspiration. The metaverse showcases the best in art from the community, revealing and promoting new talents. Candidates submit their work to the curatorship of Aurora 42, where there will be a selection round, and the chosen artists receive investments and support to create their own NFT collection.
This type of initiative helps and encourages other up-and-coming artists and hopefully will make Aurora 42 the hotbed for disruptive startups and incredible talent.
Q4: What kind of Metaverse it plans on creating?
A: It will be a metaverse dedicated to entrepreneurship where you can find projects related to game art and culture.
Changing business models require new skills and talents.  We want to open opportunities for content creators and developers to help create the metaverse through contests and hackathons.
3️⃣ Block 3 – question from ICO Speaks team
Questions from ICOSpeaks team!

Q1: How important is a community to Aurora 42?
A: A good community is a central concept of Aurora 42’s. It has the potential to sustain the ecosystem, which is why Aurora 42 offers all the tools you would need to form different communities. A good definition of a community would be people who share the same vision and ideas to achieve financial freedom.
In addition to incubation spaces for startups and businesses, the metaverse offers various activities and opportunities for the formation and growth of the economic ecosystem of each community.
Q2: You talk a lot about entrepreneurship in the metaverse, but how can this entrepreneur have fun within the metaverse in the playful sphere?
A: Aurora 42 has its Casino where users can play for real prizes, invite friends, and form groups to create memories. You can even organize your game groups and get commissioned.
Prizes won can be placed on venture funds or invested on any other fellow founder’s business that you believe. The possibilities are endless!
-Tower of Love
Just work and no fun isn’t the way to go. At the Tower of Love is Aurora 42’s, there will be a hot spot for social interaction and networking. With dancing, music, mascots, games, and more. This magical environment acts as a getaway from business for a well-deserved dose of pleasure. Just to mention a few examples.
Q3: How will the Aurora42 be distributed?
A: The Aurora 42 metaverse consists of various districts, each supporting a different sector (art, finance, etc.), thus creating communities focused and specializing in their field. The districts all mimic what you’d expect from major cities in the world, including a financial district, art district, entertainment district, and many more. These districts act as a base for new founders who need guidance and information to help navigate the tricky business of funding and development. Whether you are a graphic novel artist, a lawyer, or an architect, your community exists within the Aurora 42 metaverse!
Q4: Can you elaborate on the features that help the users in the Aurora ecosystem to create businesses?
A: We will have competitions and events to promote entrepreneurship where users can present their ideas. With these selected ideas, they can receive investment from the aurora fund as well as other users can also make investments in these projects.
With the use of competitions and events aimed at entrepreneurship that will be promoted in the metaverse, these ideas will get visibility and thus draw the attention of the public and consequently of investors. Our significant differential will be to use the power of people’s networks in this environment. The creativity of each one is unlimited; what we will provide are the tools for it to be seen. Making an analogy with the outside world, it would be as if we made a hackathon inside the metaverse.
4️⃣ Block 4 –  Community Voice.

Community asks the questions they are interested in.

Q: If the community is considered the backbone, security is also an extremely important factor. So is your project currently audited or not? How to convince that your security system is safe enough for investors as well as the community against hacker attacks?

A: We take security very seriously, especially concerning something so sensitive, so we partner with the leading security companies in the crypto world and auditing market. But it is always worth pointing out that all users must maintain good practices with their passwords and wallets. Furthermore, these same companies are responsible for auditing and protecting our smart contracts in blockchain security and auditing. 
All our development is currently being monitored and audited by these security and auditing companies.

Q: Partnership is always an important factor for every project. So who is your partner? What are the benefits you get from those relatiionships?

A: Without a doubt, partnerships greatly enrich any project, and in the case of a project as comprehensive as Aurora 42, partnerships are fundamental. We have many partners in several areas, which will soon be disclosed. However, the benefits are mainly related to the expertise these partners have in their areas of knowledge and how this will help entrepreneurship in the metaverse.

Q: What are plans in for global expansion? Are you focusing on market at this time or focus on building and developing or getting customers and users, or partnerships?

A: It is already a global project !!All these pillars are fundamental and are worked together

Q: Where can I get the latest information and what is the latest plan for your project?


Q: What is your main focus right now, are you focusing on community or market / exchange or products and how can we enjoy?

A: Our main focus is on building a strong, engaged community and stimulating the economic growth of this community.

Q: Do you allow suggestions and feedback from the community? Are we allowed in decision making, do you put community into consideration ?

A: Of course, we consider suggestions and feedback; by the way, we love them! Thats’s our gasoline. After all the projects are built for the community, the DAO will do the decision-making.
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Aurora Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Aurora for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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