Ask Me Anything with Moonstrike at ICOSpeaks: AMA Summary

March 24-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICOSpeaks telegram chat. From the Moonstrike there were: 
Before we go to the first set of questions, could you please do a short self-intro?

👨‍💻 Max V, telegram ID ( @MaksymVys) – Co-Founder of Moon Strike

My name is Max V and I am co-founder of Moon Strike. Couple words about me.
I am in the game development business during the last couple years. And our team worked on creating different PC and console titles.ask me anything with moonstrike
Beside that I have been in the blockchain business for almost 5 years. And that’s why super exciting now to combine game development with blockchain and NFT in Moon Strike project

                                                          Let’s get started!
Q: What is Moon Strike?

A: Moon Strike is an online multiplayer game that combines features of several of the most successful genres in gaming: base-building, resource collection, community-driven economy, and competitive first-person shooter PvP action. 
Developed on Unreal Engine, Moon Strike promises stunning graphics and smooth gameplay. This online, competitive multiplayer game pits players against each other in various avenues of moon gameplay: building bases, NFT-based resource trading, and working together to survive the hostile environment of the moon.
Moon Strike is built on blockchain technology, allowing for unique blockchain gaming fundamentals, such as digital scarcity and ownership of unique virtual items, all which incorporate the players’ digital wallets.
Q: What make Moon Strike Special in the Web3 gaming space?

A: You can start gaming for free with us. During the free play sessions, you can accumulate in-game tokens redeemed for essential items that provide a path to the higher levels of Play to Earn, as we call it, Fun, Engagement and Profit (FEP). Here you can start earning the $MOST token listed and traded on exchanges and powering multiple utilities within the Moon Strike ecosystem.
Q: What is your view on the future of Play to Earn?
A: Play to Earn being the next evolution in gaming where players can make money based on how much time and effort they put into a game. Play to earn is also part of broader trends, the changing relationship between players and platforms, new incentives for participants in blockchain-based networks, and the new internet era that is coming to be known as a Web3.
Moon Strike is dedicated to utilizing the best technology available to deliver a world-class AAA Web3 game. Our model is play for Fun, Engagement and Profit (FEP). Moon Strike is pioneering the AAA-FEP model. Players will own outright all the assets they accumulate in-game and be able to trade them for profit.
Q:  Please tell us more about the team etc.?
A: We have 30+ years of video game design experience. Our game development collaborates with long-standing Game Design Studios and a hard-core team of graphic artists, game designers, and blockchain experts. Moon Strike is a game designed to be profitable and self-sustaining for the ground up, combined with offering players the opportunity to earn substantial rewards.
We have a fully functional prequel live on Steam and Moon Strike just got listed there! The blockchain game under development is playable in early alpha, as can be seen on our available live gameplay examples. Moon Strike is a project with a live game platform, not a project with concepts.
Q: How do we become part of Moon Strike?

A: Great question, we will post all our social channels and website details, please do join us and take a look around. We are still in the early stages here; the game is developed more than the socials! We are a gaming development team and recently engaged partners to help with Marketing, Lite Paper, Tokenomics etc., we are fortunate to have fantastic advisors and partners supporting us.
Q: How do we buy tokens and NFT’s?

A: We are in the middle of out initial funding, talking with the many of the top VC’s and Launch pads, we will run some promotions on our social channels. In game NFT purchase opportunities will be after our token launch in the coming months.
Q: Will there be any ‘social’ element to game play?

A: Yes, we will be one of the first Web3 games to integrate voice communication in game and as gamers ourselves we see this as a key addition to making game play fun and fulfilling.
Q: Are in game assets really 3D? 

A: Yes 100%, all our Characters, Vehicles, Bases and Weapons are custom created and fully 3D unlike many blockchain games selling 2D assets today…
Q: How much will it cost to get started as a player of Moon Strike?

A: One of our key features is being able to start to play for free, 100%-NO cost to start having fun and open the door to real earnings! You can grind away and accumulate ‘in-game’ tokens that will allow you to progress to Play-to-Earn that will reward you in $MOST tokens and enable conversion to stable coins, money in the bank etc.

Q: Tell us a little bit about security? Have you done an audit of the platform? Are the smart contracts error-free? What are the test results?

A: That question is important, because security with blockchain it is TOP priority.
However, we are at early stage and that’s why we don’t have yet smart contracts, and other things
When we will be close to release that – we will for sure order Smart contract audit. At this moment it is under development

Q: What Social media Can I follow to get the latest Your Project information?  

Here you go :
🌐Website Website
🕊Twitter Twitter
📧Telegram Telegram

Q: IS This Your project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?
A: I understand all community members that you would like to take part in investing with small funds in this project.ask me anything with moonstrike
At this moment, we are open to bigger investors with seed and private rounds. However, very shortly we will allow all small investors to take part too. We are planning to launch our project at different launchpads for that
In such a case all small investors can take part in ask me anything with moonstrike
For doing that – again follow us on socials to get notified first and to be whitelisted
thank you

Q: Did you consider community feedback/requests during the creation of your product in order to expand on fresh ideas for your project? Many projects fail because the target audience and clients are not understood. So I’d like to know who your ideal consumer is for your product?

A: We are very and very open to feedbacks and ideas from community and players. Because in such case we can create really TOP game similar to Fortnite or CS:Go.

without your feedbacks, reports, ideas we can’t make that
and that’s why I encourage everybody to join our beta testing shortly of demo
which will be live on Steam

Q: Do you have an ambassador program available? If yes, how can I join it? And may I know what’s the benefit available for the ambassador? ask me anything with moonstrike
We don’t have that yet… but we are planning to announce about it shortly. It will allow members to be whitelisted everywhere…
during token sale…
during NFT selling collections
that’s why if you will be one of our ambassador – you will get a lot of such benefits
so… and one more question

Q: Staking  programme is very important for any project,?  Can i stake your token,?   Do you have any plan of starting staking programme?

A: yes… i agree that Staking is very important one
that’s why we do plan to have Staking for our tokens and for NFTs limited collections too
for example
if you will buy NFT limited collection… you can stake your NFT and get our tokens passive income too in the future
ICOSpeaks hosted an ASK me anything with Moonstrike Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Moonstrike for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉

Take a look at our other ama sessions here


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