Ask Me Anything with CODI at ICO Speaks: Summary

codi ama at ico speaks
codi ama at ico speaks
October  8-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the CODI side there were:

💻 Arvydas | CEO | @ArvCodi
Today, we are pleased to introduce Our brand and our Vision! I’m Arvydas Kublickas, MBA (Master of Business Administration), and i’m eager to build brand awareness about us and expand CODI community! I describe Myself as a goal-oriented professional and team player who strives to achieve organizational objectives. I always take the difficult but critical task of coordinating the development of whole architecture of the project. 🤘
💻Andrius – CTO  @Debelitacija
My name is Andrius. I have three years of finance and accounting experience, during which time I honed down my analytical skills and as well I learned the methods of financial analysis and use of financial software’s. I am in charge of financial activities at CODI, including planning business expenses, budgeting, forecasting as well as its implementations and management with execution.


💻Deivydas | CMO | @DeivydasCODI
So few things about me – I have over four years of proven marketing and business development experience. One of my primary responsibilities is to lead the Marketing, Public Relations, and Event Planning departments in the creation and implementation of marketing initiatives, communications, events, and campaigns that help to elevate the CODI to another level.
                                      Let’s get started!

Q: May you share with us why you chosen DEX insted of Centralized Exchanges.

A:  Additionally, decentralized exchanges are much more secure against hackers than centralized exchanges due to the absence of a single point of failure. DEX’s are also relatively unregulated by governments, again due to the lack of a centralized authority. Additionally, DEXs use smart contracts to facilitate transactions on their peer-to-peer platform, which means that the exchange may benefit from an added layer of security due to the inherent cryptographic nature of blockchain technology.

Q: How did you come up with the concept for the project and why did you choose to build on the Solana ecosystem?
A:  The Solana ecosystem is still missing the IDO Launchpad feature, and we want to be the first to jump on board and add a critical component to an environment that desperately needs it. That is why, rather than focusing strictly on DEX, we chose to launch the premier features of IDO and NFT’s marketplace. It’s very exciting to be powered by Solana and Serum. In my opinion, especially as new global adoption occurs, Solana will experience exponential growth in the coming years. Fees are extremely low, and a high-speed network is all users require these days.

Q: Is Codi considering a partnership with Binance’s smart chain? What are your primary objectives in terms of attracting additional investors?
A:  At the moment, we have plans for an ERC20 bridge (wormhole) that SolanaLabs is developing. Polygon will be sourced from our currently unidentified partners. One thing I can confirm is that we have discovered our Oracle, which is critical for the IDO launchpad, futures protocol, and staking pool used to determine reward APYs, among other things.
Q: Do you have unique personal characteristics that set you apart from the competition?
A:  Although many projects are very similar, ours are unique in the Solana ecosystem, as IDO Launchpad is one of the most important utilities of our project, in addition to CodiDAO, where the community will vote on new future projects featured on the CodiPAD Launchpad protocol, which will feature cross-chain token pools. Our unique features are new to the Solana ecosystem, as well.

Q: There are numerous projects with great potential, but they run out of people or investors, which results in sluggish growth. What marketing strategy do you have in spot to raise awareness about your project?
A:  We have an incredible advertising campaign, which includes numerous press releases and banners on major crypto news sites, as well as publishing news on Twitter in Solana-based information profiles. We always keep our community informed, which helps spread to the crypto community about the project’s progress. Our team is extremely knowledgeable about advertising in cryptocurrency in general, which is beneficial for our project.

Q: Do you incorporate community feedback and demands into the development of your project?
A:  Yes, without a doubt – community is a primary driver of our decision-making, and we will continue in that direction. Our DAO Governance also includes people which are holding CODI to have decision making in project progress.

Q: Perhaps you have some future features in mind or upcoming partnerships but have not yet shared them with the community?
A:  There is some large collaboration coming which at the moment we can‘t expose, but our community will be happy about that for sure! Talking about the features yes ofcourse there is, but at the moment we concentrate on main roadmap to bring all features at the time.

Q:  IF THE BEAR MARKET COMES will your token PROBABLY DUMP? Do you have any plan to prepared for this bear market? How will you handle the panic sell ?

A:  When the bear market arrives, which it will certainly. We’ll use that time to assess all of the breaking points and drawbacks that will emerge throughout the downward market. With this information, we will use our previous experiences to improve on those breaking points in order to perform better during the next bull market. We’ll improve when everyone else is down! No, we won’t be dumping; instead it will be only a cold shower 🙂

Q: Now, Defi and Nfts are hot trends. Many projects have combined Defi with Nfts to increase the ability to attract users. So does CODI team do this?

A:  Yes, we intend to integrate numerous Dapps into our ecosystem, which is why we will begin by developing the ecosystem concept first, followed by DeFi features that will combine numerous features, including NFTs and DefI 😉

Q: Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to join your project? Because the success of a project attracts more investors who haven’t yet entered the crypto world. What are the plans to raise awareness about your project in the non-crypto space.

A:  Yes, that’s exactly what we’re working on right now. With so many regulations in the centralized world. Our marketing team collaborating with a variety of ad agencies and publications, moving new users to DeFi is a top priority. The writers on my team are incredible, and they’ve captured everything I’d like to convey to our neighborhood.

Q:  Do you have Whitepaper if yes, please share it with as secondly do you have plans for pre-sale? Now where can we Join it?

A:  Most of our informations is provided in our whitepaper thats where you can find the most nessecary aspects of our project, also you should check our gitbook and the website itself.
Also current version of the whitepaper and website is being updated by our content managers.  Just recently we decided to rebrand slightly and paint a more accurate picture of what codi really is. Upgraded version of codi is coming out soon.
And Yes Our PRIVATE SALE is currently live if you would like to participate please contact, and our sales team will guide you threw the process.
Q: Can you list 1-3 killer features of Your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?

A:  Our faith in our concept is based on the fact that we have high-end IT experts who are conversant with blockchain technology; we are not newcomers. Furthermore, having proven knowledge of general markets and the financial globe aids us in navigating through what the world requires and what the current trends are. We are confident in CODI because we believe in it and put our heart and soul into it. In general it’s IDO , NFT’s marketplace and DEX , we have experience and vision, how we could improve, so let’s go !

Q: Does your great project support staking program? If yes. how is your stake system work, what is the requirement for user if they want to stake in your platform?

A:  First things first. How will you sustain your staking rewards for CODI users? You ask? Simple. As we will launch premier IDO we’ll set aside 10% for staking and collect the necessary fees for our stakers through IDO swap fees. 
🎱Staking requirements will include a minimum amount to contribute to a pool; the more a holder has, the higher the apy he receives, incentivizing our token demand and ensuring our community and investors are always satisfied!
Q:  Where can I buy your tokens now,, what are your current contracts and how can I buy them and what are the benefits??

A:  Our tokens can be purchased by contacting our sales department at
We’re selling tokens for $0.02 each, with a four-month vesting period. And without a vesting contract for 0.03$
For the time being, we have nearly sold out 15% of the available supply for the private sale of 99 million tokens.
Q:  Since NFT is popular nowadays, is there a plan for NFT integration?

A:  As we work step by step, we will be further implementing nessecary wireframe of tokenomics for our secondary ecosystem’s project which is NFT’s Marketplace. 
Following that, possibly a game, as it will be highly dependent on our community’s CodiDAO decision-making and market demand. We are constantly on the lookout for the optimal moment and application.
Q:  Most investors focus only on the short-term price of the token instead of the actual value of the project. So what are the benefits for long-term investors in project?

A:  Codi’s ultimate goal is to build open-source public chains that will allow any programmable application to be built on top of existing ones while also increasing the liquidity of our assets. Our users will rely heavily on CODI tokens to carry out certain protocol tasks. 
This also means that demand for the token will continue to grow in lockstep with its usage.

Q:  What is total supply of your project? Where we can buy it? Are your plans to focus on market or to grow community?

A:  Our total supply of CODI tokens are 330 million. You can buy them by contacting our sales department at
For now we are focused on growing our community since with community we can grow our market awareness.
Q:  Almost 80% investors have just focused on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?

A:  Even though short pumps are possible, they aren’t our goal. Our goal is to create a token with incredible utility, and our DAO is crucial to the community, as you point out , in the long term, our community and holders will have a lot of impact building project , our goal is create users-friendly platform , which is decentralized which helps to our users to avoid some regulations of governments.

Q:  How many team members do you have? Do they have enough experience in the blockchain field? Do they have any experience on working in crypto and non-crypto project?

A: At the moment, our core team consists of 11 individuals who work in small teams to make codi as appealing and competitive as possible. We do have some fantastic guys on our team who have worked on both Executive Designers and Executive Business developers and engineers. Additionally, the team I lead has some seasoned minds who have worked with some of the industry’s titans in both the crypto and non-crypto worlds, which is an outstanding accomplishment in and of itself.

Q:  Revenue is a very important, aspect for all projects, to survive and maintain the project / company. What is the way to generate profit / revenue of token? What is the income model?
A:  Revenue is, without a doubt, the most crucial part of every project. But there’s also the question of how the money is allocated once it’s been received. Our revenue grows in lockstep with our private investors. With this significant increase in revenue, we’re investing it in marketing, technological improvements, expanding our IT team, and improving the project’s overall health in order to achieve even greater success.

Q:  Can you briefly describe your PARTNERSHIP so far and upcoming partnerships?

A:We are unable to tell you this yet becouse of our policies , but what we can say is that it is a very large and successful project that has collaborated with a large number of other organizations to bring off-chain data on-chain.

Q:  Is your platform suitable for Crypto beginners? Or does it only appeal to professional users?

A:  Of course, this isn’t just for experts; it’ll be accessible to everyone, including newcomers, who can learn how to trade, swap, stake, and so on. When we finish this platform, it’ll definitely be friendly and accessible to anyone interested in getting into the crypto space.

Q:  Buyback, burn, rebased, are known strategies to honor investors and build confidence in the project. Which of these strategy would you use in the future for $CODI?

A:  We have built a premium tokenomics strategy from the ground up, so no, we do not intend to burn our tokens; doing so would be pointless; if we did, why not simply create fewer tokens?
We are considering a buyback strategy and will work to develop some credible concepts around it.
Q:  What makes you feel confident about the survival & sustainable success of Your project in the near future?While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?

A:  Amazing team, of which I am extremely proud, excellent communication at all times, and I am confident that our project’s growth will be ensured if we stand strong. Ofcourse adding our community with DAO and improving with every feedback

ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the CODI Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, CODI for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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