Ask Me Anything with Cellframe at ICO Speaks: Summary

cellframe ama at icospeaks
cellframe ama at icospeaks
November 30-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the Cellframe side there was:

👨‍💻 Dmitriy Gerasimov |CEO |  @naeper

My name is Dmitry Gerasimov and I’m CEO of Cellframe Network, quantum-proof 3rd generation blockchain ecosystem. 
Before this venture I had a software company since 2007, was also educated on physicist, thats why I’ve realized quantum threat on early stages and since 2017 December we’re working to prevent it.

                                 Let’s get started!
Q: What is Cellframe?

A:  Cellframe is a platform, its ecosystem for modern blockchain solutions. It has lot of advatages so thats only the list of key features:
 – Quantum-proof encryption 
 – High throughput
 – Green solution (low power consumption )
 – Easy and flexible dApp platform
 – Single superapplication for integration in ecosystem
 – Parachains

Q: What makes Cellframe different from other cryptocurrencies?

A:  There are lot of differences, lets mention most critical:
 – $CELL is a quantum-resistant cryptocurrency that has successfully implemented several quantum-hacking resistant signatures. This technology will be sustainable in the era of quantum computers, which will threaten the encryption of many cryptocurrencies.
 – Peer-to-peer sharding eliminates theoretical limits for tx throughput
 – t-dApps API make able to make low-level dApps like VPN, CDN and dedicated storage

Q: What is Cellframe doing to achieve its goals?

A: Developers work without stopping on the launching of the main stages of the project. We are betting on high technological efficiency. Also, we are constantly working on marketing tasks. We’re cooperating with big influencers and making content for a wide audience on different sources.

Q: Why should people invest in $CELL?

A: because its cool 🙂 
okay, let be serious, $CELL has a great potential for growth. Now it is on level of 2$. Growth for the last month was more than 100%. We are not far off launching the mainnet. We believe this and other milestones will spur and maintain the exchange rate.

Q: What on the project’s roadmap has been completed, and what will be completed next?

A: Recently we ran testnet 2.0 which allows developing bridges with the Ethereum, BSC and Bitcoin networks. Quite soon we’ll launch the mainnet. Before the mainnet we’re also planning to add more subchains in Subzero network (Testnet 2.0) and some other new features. Stay tunned, soon will be more updates.

Q: What is the marketing plan for the project?

A:  We are still cooperating with big influencers. We are starting to tell what CELL is for as many people as possible. We are searching for partners from the crypto world and we can offer them particular things.

Q: How well is the project’s community?

A:  The project’s community is growing constantly. Now we have 20k holders, the growth has been almost 60% since the last month. We have a live community where everybody can ask whatever he/she wants. 
Also we’re growing the development community where you can ask anything about code sources, API, config files and etc.
Q: Does the project have competitors, if so what makes Cellframeame the better project?

A:  I don’t like to be a competitor to smbd else, prefer to have collaboration with other. But unfortunatelly on current stage we have competitors. The project’s competitors are 3rd generation blockchains like DOT, KSM, ATOM, SOL, ADA. The main and the most important difference is Cellframe uses post-quantum cryptography. Other projects have classic cryptography, which may be vulnerable to the quantum threat.

Q: Can you please explain what are the advantages of using your Platform and is it friendly for beginners like me?

A:  Advantages are listed before: quantum proof, API for low-level dApps, parachains and others.
For you as for beginner we have another advantage: Python SDK for truely dedicated applications (t-dApps) and yes, its easier than anything else.

Q: Revenue is an important aspect for all projects to survive and sustain. So how does your project plan to generate profit and revenue?

A:  We have a service-based tokenomics, circulation is provided by dedicated service providers. CELL holders could stake their tokens after mainnet launch and earn on fees from service providers that requires this stake.
Also possible to stake CELL with ETH, BNB, USDT and BUSD on UniSwap and Pancake and bid with LP in CellSlot auctions, that gives profit in project’s token
Q: Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to join your project? Because the success of a project attracts more investors who haven’t yet entered the crypto world. What are the plans to raise awareness about your project in the non-crypto space.

A:  Yes, our superapplication Cellframe Dashboard is focused on non-crypto users as well. It should give the same services as centralized clould providers does, but with better quality, better price and better security. 
We’re strong focused to make fog solutions more user-friendly than cloud solutions and make it same easy to use for non-crypto users. One of our parachain, KelVPN, does this trick so you can use all power of dedicated VPN but ever without your private wallet (but better with it of course )

Q: Is your platform suitable for crypto beginners? Or does it only limited for professional users ?

A:  Yes, its open for beginners. Inside we have C-based code, yes, but we also have Python-based API on Cellframe Node and JavaScript Plugins API for Cellframe Dashboard. 
So if you’re familar with Python and JS you can write your dApp, send it to us for approvement and if it passes through we publish its checksum on blockchain and make availble for downloading and installation to all the users.

Q: Your Project has a plan to educate the community, thereby raising awareness, applying and helping more people understand you easily?

A:  Yes, we have  and dedicated tech writers team thats updating this docs and others. Also we’re planning to have a hackaton, issue tutorials, video tutorials and collaborate with educational centres
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Cellframe Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Cellframe for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


Wanna know more?

how to promote your project with AMA Sessions in Telegram 


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