Ask Me Anything with Acucoin at ICOSpeaks: AMA Summary

Acucoin AMA at ICOSpeaks
Acucoin AMA at ICOSpeaks
June 18-th Acucoin held an Ask Me Anything session with the ICOSpeaks team at our telegram chat.

1️⃣ Block 1  – self introduction from  today’s  speaker
Before we go to the first set of questions, could you please do a short self-intro?
👨‍💻  Valdick|  CEO & Founder of Acucoin| @S7figures
My name is Valdick, I’m the founder of Acucoin. It’s been 6 years since I first found out about Cryptocurrencies and I’ve been mining, staking, trading and investing in some projects. Besides that I’ve been an entrepreneur my whole life.

2️⃣ Block 2 – project introduction by speakers
First set of questions to introduce the project!
Q: What is Acucoin?

A: Acucoin is a utility token that comes as a Freebie in ACU comic book. Reades use Acucoin to purchase more comics or pay for goods and services at Acucoin Alliance Members. The amount of Acucoin required to purchase a comic book decreases for each print run, till 1 ACU is backed by 1 comic book.

Q: What inspired you to create Acucoin?

A: Not everyone feels excited about taking risks and for non-crypto users, cryptocurrencies simply mean risk! They need another approach, a safer and cool way to learn about crypto without fear: A Freebie!
Acucoin goes beyond a simple gift, it provides equitable access to crypto and financial leverage to its newbie holders.

Q: Can you tell us about the team behind Acucoin?

A: Acucoin has 18 people in the team. Our team is a combination of people that have a background in the Publishing and Crypto industry, some with more than 6 years in the field. We are looking to expand our team, so we have opened positions for Developers

3️⃣ Block 3 – question from ICO Speaks team
Block 3 tip: Submit 3 – 4 questions to describe the plans, events, and the best sides and features of your project.
Questions from ICOSpeaks team!

Q: How Acucoin differ from other reward programs?
A: Most reward programs do not back their tokens to their main product or service. The Idea behind Acucoin is that by backing it to a product, it’s value is guaranteed by the price of the comic book that cost 5 usd.

Q: What is the target for this year?

A: Acucoin Alliance Members is a group of 20 local businesses that accept acucoin as a payment method. Bringing those businesses onboard and having holders spending their freebies tokens for Goods and Services is one of the targets for this year.
The other target is Brand Awareness (for example: In July 2019 more than 135,000 people attended the annual Comic-Con) We have comic book launches for each Comic and Manga release but we are aiming at the annual A.C.U Convention. This will pay a major role influencing the adoption of Acucoin among people
Q: What are the strongest sides of the project?

A:1 – Acucoin comes as a Freebie. Non-Crypto users feel very attracted to it.
2 – Comic Books is a 8 Billion dollar Industry. It has its own revenue streams such as: animes; games; movies; toys; cosplay and all the POP culture in general. This gives us better marketing tools.
3 – 1 ACU is backed by 1 Comic Book (Guarantee that 1 ACU will buy 1 Comic Book).
4️⃣ Block 4 –  Community Voice.

Community asks the questions they are interested in.

Q:Staking, NFT is very hottest, do you think you will apply NFT technology to your products in the achieved future?

A: For sure! We are creating more appealing Comic and Manga content that can better grab consumer’s attention. ACU comic books connect characters to readers and the story of a Superhero gives more emotional value to readers, leading to more valuable NFTs

Q:When and where can I buy your tokens? Is it already listed exchanges?

A: From June 20, you will be able to buy Acucoin from our website

Q: Could you tell us about your project partners and the partnership strategy it has adopted?

A: On a national level we made partnerships with the biggest Comic and Manga Studios and moving forward to partner with the Alliance Members. On an international level we just started negotiating with some big names in the Crypto and Publishing Industry.

Q: Do you have Whitepaper if yes, please share it with as secondly do you have plans for pre-sale? Now where can we Join it?

A: Yes! Check on our Website.
Q:While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?

A: Yes we put community into consideration. We allow suggestions and feedbacks from Acucoin token holders, any holders with a minimum of 5,000 ACU can help us make some decisions
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Acucoin Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Acucoin for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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