Ask Me Anything with NoMore at ICO Speaks: Summary

nomore ama at ICOSpeaks
nomore ama at ICOSpeaks
June 9-th NoMore held an Ask Me Anything session with the ICOSpeaks team at our telegram chat.

1️⃣ Block 1  – self introduction from  today’s  speaker 
Before we go to the first set of questions, could you please do a short self-intro?
👨‍💻  Test Name |  CEO & Founder of TestCompany| @speakers_id__from_telegram
👨‍💻 Lina Valentina | CEO & Founder of No More | @Aya_MM12
2️⃣ Block 2 – project introduction by speakers


First set of questions to introduce the project!
Q: Can you please introduce yourself and tell us how you became the artist you are today

A: Hello my name is Lina Valentina.
I am a contemporary artist and I currently live between Los Angeles and New York.
I have dedicated my work to women’s causes.
When I was 14 years old, I immigrated with my parents to Spain before moving to the United States a year later.
It was during these very disruptive changes that my grandmother, who had remained in Russia at the time, passed away suddenly.
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend her funeral and say goodbye. That day I made a promise to her in my heart: to make her name known through artworks dedicated to the women’s cause
Q: Can you tell us more about your partnership with Safe Horizon

A: Safe Horizon is the number one foundation in the US for helping victims of abuse and discrimination. It’s a foundation that I have supported for many years and with whom I exchange a lot about domestic violence. It’s an honor to create an artistic project in collaboration with such an important foundation.
We agreed to pay them a percentage of the royalties that we will receive because I want the people who own my NFTs to see a part of their investment help many people on a daily basis.

Q: Can we have more information about the collection

A: It will be a collection of 7777 high-quality 3D NFTs featuring my famous “No More” mouth dedicated to women’s causes which I’m known for. It represents this mouth that makes the choice not to be silent on a daily basis. 
I think it is very important that people who suffer from domestic violence, harassment, or discrimination do not lock themselves in silence. I have wanted since the beginning with my art to denounce all this violence and try to give the courage to all these people to express themselves, the NFTs are just a new way for me to express my art and share it with more people. 
No More is a varied collection representing exclusively women of all horizons. I decided to dedicate my project to the violence towards women because it is what I underwent and what I fight daily but No More also aims to encourage all people undergoing violence to have the courage to express themselves.
3️⃣ Block 3 – question from ICO Speaks team ask me anything with NoMore
Questions from ICOSpeaks team!

Q: Can you tell us more about the holders event that will happen at the Cool HeArt Galery ?
A: It will be an event where every person owning a No More NFT will be qualified to participate.
It will be as you said at the Cool HeART Gallery in Los Angeles. Holders will be able to meet me and some of my artist friends and celebrities. We will display some of the NFTs in the gallery with NFT digital display frames together with some of my physical art. We will also hand over the first cheque to Safe Horizon live.
Q: Can you tell us about the metaverse gallery and what’s the process to be Part of it? 
A: No More aims to create a metaverse gallery for artists and projects that fight for a cause we stand for, we didn’t choose the metaverse where it will be yet.
To be featured in our metaverse gallery, there will be a form to fill that our team will review. This gallery will bring together all the projects that fight for a cause and share our values on a daily basis in order to bring them visibility.
Q: Can you tell us what are your guys next major priorities in 2022? 
A: Our major priority for 2022 is to make this project known to as many people as possible to really impact and help as many people as possible through my artworks and with the help of Safe Horizon.« No More » aims to give confidence to millions of people by not feeling alone in their suffering. It’s time to stop being silent.
We hope this project will also give women the desire to be more present in the web3 environment, and highlight artists that fight for a cause through our metaverse gallery


4️⃣ Block 4 –  Community Voice.
Community asks the questions they are interested in.

Q: According to the roadmap, what is your most important next priority

A: Our priority now is to build our community and raise awareness on this subject. Also we would like to get people to join the Web3 era!

Q: Are you a global project or local project? At present, which market are you focus on, or is it focused on building and growing to gain customers, users and partners?

A: We are a global project! We would like to raise awareness globally and get all cultures to join. We are defending an international cause, something all women relate to so it is very important for us to expand globally.

Q: What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team leading the market? ask me anything with NoMore

A: Our strongest advantage is our motivation and dedication to defending women’s rights. We have the most passionate team leading our project ready to conquer the world and raise awareness!

Q: Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to join your project? Because the success of a project attracts more investors who haven’t yet entered the crypto world. What are the plans to raise awareness about your project in the non-crypto space.

A: Yes of course we would like to attract non crypto investors as well, our goal is to expand and reach to everyone globally and not stay only in the crypto bubble. Since we are defending a general cause its very important for us that everyone sees what we are doing and what Web3 is capable of 🙂

Q: Did you consider community feedback/requests during the creation of your product in order to expand on fresh ideas for your project? Many projects fail because the target audience and clients are not understood. So I’d like to know who your ideal consumer is for your product?

A: Our ideal customers is everyone who would like to defend Women’s rights. We are always open for feedback, our community is very important to us!

Q: Do you guys feel satisfied by seeing your progresses and achievements till now, when you look back to the day when you have started this project?

A: Yes we are very satisfied and excited for the next steps of our project! We are expanding fast🎉

Q: Do you have an ambassador program?

A: We might have an ambassador program later, its in the works!
ICOSpeaks hosted an ASK me anything with NoMore Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, NoMore for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂
Wanna know more?
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