IQONIQ AMA at ICO Speaks Summary


Ask Me Anything with IQONIQ at ICO Speaks: Summary

December 24-th  IQONIQ held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the IQONIQ side, there was Kazim Atilla, CEO of IQONIQ

Can you introduce yourself to the community?

Hello. My short BIO:
I’m Kazim Atilla, born in 1972 in Turkey, and when I was 4 years old the family moved to Holland. I grew up and studied there and since 1995 running my own businesses, which has taken me to over 60 countries. 

I was involved in many businesses and sectors, but I was always a huge sports fan and my other passion is entrepreneurship – building things for wider communities. Due that sport and entertainment was a huge influence after my terrible shopping bus accident I had when I was 6 years old, I always wanted to invent something unique in particular to combine sports & entertainment. Thus, IQONIQ was born – a unified engagement platform, which has the power to meet the needs of fans, their Idols, and their clubs, as well catering to the interest of brands.

__________________________ Let’s get started!______________________________

Q: What is IQONIQ Fan Engagement Platform?

A: The IQONIQ App is a revolutionary fan engagement platform operating in the sports and entertainment industry, and developed by the IQONIQ Group SARL. 

The IQONIQ app enables sports clubs, athletes, and entertainers to better monetize and grow the value of their global fragmented fan base and social media assets. 

IQONIQ provides fans with a rich, rewarding and personal relationship with their heroes and clubs, on the universal, seamless and gamified loyalty platform. 

It also gives the brands a better solution to market their brand and products to the “right” customer. 

Even though we have built the platform/app for the 3 above target groups, we are mainly a fan centric platform. Without the fans there is no ecosystem, and that’s also the reason we have created an All-In-One solution for the fans!

Our goal is to become the Number One Fan Engagement Platform for the Sport and Entertainment Industry within the next 3 – 5 years.

Q: What motivated you to create the IQONIQ company?

A: I saw that there is a huge gap in fan engagement. As mentioned in my intro, I’m one of the biggest sport and entertainment fans, and I saw that the market is very fragmented and that it needs a better solution for 1) the rights holders; 2) the fans and last but not least; 3) the brands.

The fans are using so many different apps, websites, platforms to fulfil their needs in the sport and entertainment sector. They also don’t get rewarded by being a loyal fan, and that’s the reason we are a fan centric platform which also rewards the fans being a fan. Their clubs and Idols can now build a stronger relationship with their fans and also allow them to win great prizes.

Add to the above my fatal accident that i had when i was 6 years old, and whereby sport has made me stronger once I could get out of the wheelchair, it was an obvious step to do something with sport and entertainment.

Q: Can you list killer features of IQONIQ that makes it ahead of its competitors?

A: We get this question quite many times 😊. It’s not just some killing features which makes us ahead of potential competitors, but it’s more the All-In-One solution we have created, whereby we also bring all sports and entertainment in One Single place. As a sport and or entertainment fan, you are a fan of 2 or more sports and add there also the music, movies and e-sport/gaming then this creates a very exciting proposition for everyone involved in the ecosystem.

Of course for each fan they will have their own favourite feature and reason why they would use IQONIQ, and that makes IQONIQ so exciting as it will have everything that any fan are looking for or currently using on a daily and or weekly basis, but without using many different apps, websites and or platforms.

We have of course some great exciting features like the VR with something special and also the same thing with our AR gamification and the same thing ref our OTT service. More info ref these 3 features coming soon.

Q: Does the project have a loyalty program? How does it work?

A: Yes for sure, as mentioned in one of my previous answers we have build the platform with the fans as the most important part of the ecosystem. This means the platform has to reward the fans in multiple ways of being a fan of their club and an user of our App!

Our loyalty program is almost like a frequent flying program, so almost everyone knows and understand this kind of loyalty related programs. So the more you engage in the platform, the more loyalty points you can earn and with that the more chance you will have to win great prizes.

We also will have a worldwide loyalty program with merchants, which will give discounts, promotions, and many more rewards and benefits to our members/users.

So as you can see there is a solid loyalty element in our ecosystem, and we will of course add many more once we are fully up and running.

Q: How many slots are available on the $IQQ token  presale this time then is there a minimum transaction to participate in the #IQONIQ presale and how do I make a payment during the pre-sale and where can I buy $IQQ tokens?

A:  We started our private sale, and there are still IQQ tokens available. You can buy our tokens at this moment with BTC or ETH.

You can create an account via the below link which already has a referral code.

Q: Vast majority of Crypto projects are built just for the sole purpose of amassing wealth for themselves. So, I want to know the value you aim to add to the crypto industry that will bring greater abundance to the industry?

A: Very good question, and sadly in especially in the blockchain sector there is not always a real solution and benefits for the market. In our case we have created solutions for the 3 target groups, and each of them have their own solution and benefits, as you can also clearly see when you read our project.

Q: How IQQ TOKEN adds value in day-to-day operations? Can U Explain more in detail?

A: The IQQ token allows you to accelerate your benefits inside our app and the ecosystem. As explained we have also developed our loyalty platform/ecosystem, so depending how many IQQ tokens you hold, it will allow you to have better benefits, win better prizes, and get more discounts. So there is a real usage of holding our tokens, like you would also get in a frequent flying program.

Q: As You know, Many people  judge a Project By the Token price, What do you have to Say to investors? What’s the plan to increase the Token Demand?

A: I believe that this is the biggest problem in this sector. We always say the same thing, look at the project, not just ours, and see if they bring a real product, solution for a real existing problem and market, do they have a product, market, clients and once you believe this can be great then you can look at the tokens.

Like with any company, even the ones which go to Nasdaq, people always look at what kind of business and product they have, what is the potential of growth and how good they will do. 

When you look from the above angles you will start appreciating the projects more and your chance of choosing and supporting the projects will be better.

Q: What is the uniqueness of IQONIQ that cannot be found in other projects that’s been released before?

A: As mentioned in one of my answers, the strength of our project is that we are bringing all sports and entertainment in one single place. As many know, there are many dedicated sport and entertainment apps for football, basketball, F1, tennis, music, movies etc, but you don’t have a place where all the sports and entertainment comes together!

Q: You said #IQONIQ will be the number one fan club for sports lovers in the next 3 to 5 years.  But my question is, what steps will your team take to attract users to the #IQONIQ project in the next 3 to 5 years?

A: Good question, there are 2 main important parts to this question.

1) We have to onboard as many as possible clubs/teams and idols from all different sport and entertainment, which we have been doing very well. We have signed now with over 120 clubs/teams from many different sports and having more than 200 in the pipeline!

2) having enough features inside the App which the fans are using on a daily and or weekly basis which they do on many different apps, websites, platforms. Now they only need one app which they can use all those features at and they will also be rewarded by using our App.

Q: As you know Covid-19 has a large impact in the crypto Market, So How can your company maintain its project and also the team that are working hard during this pandemic?

A: Covid had a huge impact on every business around the world and not just in the crypto market. But as mentioned before, we are a sport and entertainment platform which has developed a great app for all fans. We are focusing on bringing every fan inside our platform, whereby these fans now use many different apps for their sport and entertainment needs and now they can do this in IQONIQ. When the business does well then the tokens will do also well, but our tokens will also give many benefits by holding them as explained above. So this is some of the main differences between our project and others with blockchain/tokens related.

Q: Many new projects made a good impression at first but were suddenly abandoned. How will you manage the project and token to gain a place in the market and become the best token in the blockchain world?

A: Very good question! Yes I totally agree, but when you read some of my answers then you will understand why we are different from others.

We dont come with a promise that we will do this and we will do that etc. We have already created our product which fulfils the needs of the 3 target groups, so we have developed a solid solution for an existing problem and for a very big market. We already have a very solid track record, whereby we have signed over 120 clubs/teams and have over 200 in the pipeline, and also discussing with many Idols. Once we have launched our App in quarter 1 in 2021, we will add many great features and also market our business all over the world to bring the fans in one single place. We then also show them what the many benefits are by holding our tokens, and once they learn and see this they will for sure support our tokens, as there is a real usage and benefit by having our tokens. 

The other point is that our tokens will have a global adoption from day one, due that the fans of the clubs/teams and Idols are in more than 200 countries, so as you can see that the business and tokens has a worldwide marketplace. The benefits of the tokens are from day one once we have launched our App, and actually even before as the fans can already win many great prizes, which almost other projects with Tokens couldn’t do this yet, even though they started a few years back

Q: Why did you choose the sports theme for ICONIQ? How can you describe and dеmоnstrate the uniquеnеss and vаlue of thе ICONIQ platform to a fооtball fаn?

IQQ tokens burn whеn usеd fоr services or are they reintroduced into the offering? And hоw dо yоu plan to deal with symbolic inflatiоn?

A: Nice question.

As explained before, we saw that the sport and entertainment sector is very fragmented which can be easily seen. You as a football fan get your info, content etc via many apps, websites etc. At the same time many fans are not just a fan of one sport but atleast of 2 and also add their music and movies, then this would mean you would need to use several apps. Then when you see that the fans don’t get rewarded for being loyal fans, IQONQI will be a great platform for those fans. Having everything in one single place has worked before, please see below some user cases:

78% of the people who watch online video they do it via YouTube

26% of the people in Europe who orders food online they do it via website like

92% of the people who book accommodation online are using apps or website like

36% of the people who listens music online, they use apps like Spotify


As you can see everything related to online video you go to YouTube,
Everything related to different kitchens/food you will use
Everything related to accomodation, you will use
Everything related to different genres in music, you will use Spotify

People don’t want too many apps related to what they are looking for, but an All-In-One solution related to their sector always works.

Q: What is your strategy for building your project going forward? Are you sure your project will attract investors? And how do you grow your project globally?

A: Like with any other project, participants and users will always look at how good the product is good for them and if it adds value to their needs. As I explained before, we have developed the product for the 3 target groups based on their own problems, needs and wishes. So as you can see, this is not developed based on just starting another business, like many others, but this is started based on what we have identified as what happens in this sector.

The way to grow the project globally is to get as many partners/clubs/teams/Idols from different sports and entertainment sectors as possible, and we have done a great job. We have added over 120 clubs/teams on our platform and have over 200 in the pipeline!

We are also using the power of the reach of the clubs/teams and Idols, as a fan you want to build the best possible relationship with your heroes!

ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the IQONIQ Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks,  IQONIQ for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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