Ask Me Anything with Wealthmaticmax  at ICOSpeaks: AMA Summary

wealthmaticmax ama
wealthmaticmax ama

April  16-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICOSpeaks telegram chat. From the Wealthmaticmax side there was: 

Before we go to the first set of questions, could you please do a short self-intro?

👨‍💻  Liam| Owner of Wealthmaticmax | @LiamWMM

Yeah …I’m Liam co founder of WEALTH MATIC MAX

👨‍💻 Sarah |Strategy mag |@Sarahmcomber

Well my Name is Sarah, the strategy manager of wealth matic max and block chain developer. I’m well specialist in block chain technology and web design

                                                            Let’s get started!
Q: What is Wealth Matic Max ?

A: Wealth matic is a decentralized staking platform built on polygon network that used matic coins to yield daily profit for investors between  8% to 14% daily(112 to 392% profit within  14days to 28days ) with a minimum of 10 matic and above..

Q: Is the platfrom launched already?


A: Not yet.. Its a new platform and is launching on Aprill 16th 2022 At 1:00 UTC Time. The countdown to the launch date and time is on the platform. 

Q: How reliable is Wealth Matic Max?

A: Yes it 100% percent reliable And guaranteed, it has no back doors, no vulnerabilities or any scam scripts and is well audited by a top Auditor firm called haza crypto –

Q: What are the rewards and benefits on wealth matics?

A: Referrals: bonus of 3 level 5% 

level 2  3%

Level 1  2%

 for the people you referred 

The more you refer the more you level increases..

The reward for 2 highest Matic staker for each month: 

 When our wealth token is launched the highest stakes of matic polygon will be rewarded with $7k worth of wealth token..

There will be a collection of all the links on Youtube that have reviewed our projects within 2 months right from the project launch date


We have prepared 20,000 MATIC for the Youtube competition reward. Three youtube candidate will be selected with the most Youtube comments, likes and referrals

The video content link must be directed to our official website

The Youtuber must have invested atleast 100 matic to qualify for the competition

You can send your video link to our live chat or to our strategy manager @Sarahmcomber

Youtube Bonus Distribution

First Youtuber: 10,000 MATIC

Second Youtuber: 7,000 MATIC

Third Youtuber: 3,000 MATIC

The team also contributes to the platform by depositing some profit made on our fx trading in the part of sustaining the platform, social media’s ads sponsored promotion, and lot more.

Q: What are the next upcoming projects for you?

A: One of Our first upcoming projects will be launching on Saturday by 1:00 UTC TIME which is the matic staking platform that yields daily profit for stakeholders..


As time goes on, Our wealth nft, wealth token and wealth app will be reviewed and launched.

Q: Who is your team?

A: Our team are 

The owner : Liam 

Strategy manager : Sarah mcomber 

Project manager :John Andrew

Q: What is the roadmap?

A: As stated earlier 

Staking matic : 16th April 2022

We are coming up with out 

wealth token : in 2months 

Wealth app : in 4months 

Wealth Nft : in 2month

Q: Where can I currently buy Token?

A: You can buy matic polygon token on binance, kucoin, trust wallet and other exchange platform, you can also convert your usdt to matic ploygon stake and daily on our platform….

Q: Have you being audited ? Have not heard you talk about that security of funds is what every investor craves for and plans to escape incase of insecurity if funds,scams and rug pulls ? How strongly built are your security put in place?

A: Have said that already..Yes by top audit firm called haza crypto 

Audit link :

Q: Can you share your social media links so we can keep ourselves updated?

A: Follow our Twitter 

 Telegram group

Q: Is the project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?

A: It’s for everyone.. You can stake minimum of 10matic and above and earn as much as possible

Q: How old is Your project? What are the major plans ahead? Could you show to us image of your roadmap?

A: New project, it’s lanching on Saturday  16th Aprill 2022.  1:00 UTC

Q: I wants to knkw about the Token Distribution and the Token Economics of your TOKEN and Also tell me The Main Utility of your Native Token?

A: Token not out yet but you can stake as low as 10 matic and earn 8% to 14% return investment everyday starting on 16th of April 2022 1:00 UTC time

ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Wealthmaticmax Team. That’s all for today.

Thanks to all users who participated.

Thanks, Wealthmaticmax for being with us

Thanks, all and see you soon😉

Cheers 🥂
Take a look at our others AMA here


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