Ask Me Anything with Ojamu at ICO Speaks: Summary

ojamu ama at ico speaks
ojamu ama at ico speaks
October  5th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the Ojamu side there was:

💻  Hal Bame CEO, Ojamu @OjamuHal

I’ve spent the majority of my career in the video game industry and start-up technology, having lived in Europe, Asia and the US and travelling all over the world as a result – very lucky to have done so 🙏😃 started getting into Blockchain and Crypto around 2015 in terms of its potential impact on various businesses – I’m actually in Dubai atm for the various Blockchain events happening this month – UAE is huge supporter of the Blockchain industry as most of you are aware


💻  Fateh Singh CMO, Ojamu @fatehsingh96


For sure, I’m Fateh Singh, CMO @ Ojamu.
Day to day role is to oversee our Marketing Department and Brand Strategy.
I also work with the Product Dev team daily due to my experience in the digital marketing and user acquisition realm.
                                                     Let’s get started!

Q: Could you please tell us in detail about Ojamu? What is it?
A:  Sure – happy to – Ojamu is a new MarTech platform with the goal of utilizing Ai and Blockchain technology to automate organic marketing campaigns for both Blockchain-related companies as well as more traditional business companies, utilizing proprietary Ai tech, ‘real-time’ data and a suite of intelligent toolsets

Q:   Project Framework, what is the Ojamu Intelligent Platform?
A:  well, I hope the above gives a basic overview of what the platform is and its goals – basically, its designed to vastly accelerate the real-time data analysis and organic campaign construction and implementation for digital marketing –  in virtually any industry vertical – 
the more and better the data we feed into the machine learning algos in the platform, the better it will perform – even predicting unfound audiences and data clusters by cross-correlating millions of data-points – which users of the platform can use to then target the right audiences with the recommended campaigns of the OIP (Ojamu Intelligent Platform)

we are are also utilizing NFT’s in new manner, as they’ll act as an ‘Access Pass’ to the data of desired industry verticals for the clients of the platform – and we’ll be broadening the usage of NFT’s moving forward as we feel NFT’s are vastly underutilized atm in general, considering what they can actually do across a spectrum of industries and use cases

In a nutshell the OIP augments human marketing and product teams.
It bridges the gap between creative insights and data.
Teams generally have a lot of data to work with but don’t have the bandwidth or know how on how to utilize it effectively. This is where the OIP comes in and augments human intelligence with objective data driven decisions
Q: Who is the target market for the Ojamu Intelligent Platform?

A:   Great question – what’s really interesting is to see how marketing in the Blockchain industry is evolving parallel to the industry itself – just look at FTX – very competitive space obv, so they get Tom Brady and Kevin O’Leary as ‘ambassadors’, both clearly and truly passionate about the industry – we believe this will happen across the Blockchain industry, as the crypto space begins to face some of the same, mature marketing challenges that ‘traditional’ businesses do.

To add to that the OIP is primarily built for marketing teams as due to the automated campaign predictions and recommendations

So to answer your question, the OIP can be used by marketing teams in both the Blockchain space AND  ‘traditional’ non-blockchain space, as a B2B enterprise MarTech solution

Q: Digital Marketing & Blockchain? How could it be combined?
A:  Ojamu is doing this on several levels – one, the use of NFT’s in regards to data usage and using that data responsibly and respecting privacy laws and everything that goes with that – two, the underlying Blockchain infrastructure obv helps us with security, speed and all things that go along with using Blockchain-based infrastructure vs centralized solutions – three, we’ll be using some fantastic Defi partnerships to really take advantage of some cutting-edge Defi solutions in the Blockchain space – more on that to come in the coming weeks

Q: How Ojamu integrates NFTs?
A:  again, the NFT’s will act as an ‘Access Pass’ to the data of desired industry verticals for the clients using the OIP – and they’ll also provide the access I spoke of above – to previously unknown ‘data-clusters’ which will allow the users of the platform to target previously unknown audiences or product to market fit opportunities

And to add to that…
A big part of web3 is accessibility and we’re building our platform with that at the forefront of our design thinking so just one of the ways Ojamu is building for web3 is the integration of our NFT Access Pass which is essentially a key to the Ojamu Intelligent Platform. 
Users just need to hold the Ojamu NFT in their Meta Mask for example and they can access our MarTech platform in a decentralized fashion. No email logins or web2.0 payment gateways such as PayPal or Stripe are needed.

Q:  What are key geo locations Ojamu is focusing on?
A:  good question – we’re focusing on locales where regional or global Brand decisions are made – at end of the day, Ojamu will greatly enhance any Brands performance – so, we’re initially focusing on 
– Singapore (we’re a Singapore-based company and I’ve lived and worked there over a decade), as its the gateway and regional power of Southeast Asia for many Brands, 
– Dubai (which is similarly positioned in the Middle East), 
– Los Angeles (where many US and Global Brand decisions are made), 
– India (which is fast becoming one of the major Brand HQ’s in world from a per capita perspective) and ofc London in Europe
– Stockholm (home for many of Scandinavia and Europe’s biggest brands and also very tech savy)
we’ll ofc be looking at other locales moving fwd such as London, Sydney, South Africa and others

Q: Can you list 1-3 killer features of your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

A: Sure here’s 2:
1. Automation of digital marketing campaings and strategies, these are presented in an easy to follow roadmap format.
2. Like I mentioned earlier, the NFT Access Pass allows users to access the Ojamu Intelligent Platform in a decentralized fashion.
Q: According to the roadmap, what are your most important next priorities? Does your team have enough funds and strong community to achieve those milestones?

A: good one here – main thing we’re focusing on is the ‘initial’ version of the MVP, as targeted in the roadmap – first its about the usage and analysis of data and then getting some of the very early Ai modelling progressed, smart contracts etc – we’re confident with our funding and the community will grow as we reach more and more tech and business milestones and partnership announcements

Q: Since NFT is popular nowadays, is there a plan for NFT integration?

A: Yeah we’ve mentioned our NFT Access Pass but we also have further plans for NFT use-cases which we will share with you all as we progress on our roadmap

Q: What do you think about Asia market? Is your team planning to reach other countries with potential crypto markets, and big teams and investors want to work and cash in on crypto??   OJAMU

A: We love Asia! We’re Singapore based so of course working with Asian Brands is in our plans, stay tuned!

Q: Southeast Asia is a very vibrant market and many project developed here so what do you think about Southeast Asia and do you have any plan to develop here?

A: Yes, as I said, we’re a Singapore company after all, and Southeast Asia continues to create and maintain loyalty for some of the biggest Brands in the world – and we’re keen to have Ojamu partner up with them, from Singapore to Indonesia to Thailand

Q: What are the ways for your project to generate revenue in the long run? What is the progress of business development and what are some of your commercial partnerships?   OJAMU

A: we’re looking at SaaS revenue solutions – basically monthly fees dependent on what features/level the client uses the Ojamu platform – we’ll be announcing partnerships in the coming days and weeks and this will be ongoing – great response from many potential partners across the globe already


ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Ojamu Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Ojamu for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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