Ask Me Anything with EktaWorld at ICO Speaks: Summary

ektaworld ama at ico speaks
ektaworld ama at ico speaks
September 01-st   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the EktaWorld there were:


💻 Berwin Tanco: @Ekta_Berwin – Cofounder
💻 Jason Zheng: @dudelemmethink – Cofounder
💻 Yog Shrusti: @yogshrusti – Cofounder
Hello guys! My name is Jason and I am the marketing guy at Ekta. 🙂
I’m usually in California, but have been in Bali for the past two months getting Ekta ready for launch. I’ve been in marketing for over 12 years now, mainly in technology. Ekta to me a culmination of my work life and what I’m passionate about, and that is leaving a better world to my children. I believe technology isn’t just something cool to buy, it should be something that gives us a way to a better life. I believe that’s what Ekta is.

Hello my name is Berwin, the founder and CEO of Ekta. My background is in tech, property development and private equity. I was part of the .com boom in silicon valley in the 90s then move on to property and private equity for the last 20 years. I have lived all over the world from the US, Europe and now Asia. And have started this amazing project with Ekta.

Hi guys, I am Yog Shrusti, Been in Media and IT industry for close to 25 years. The focus in last 4 or odd years have been on decentralization. shuffling between Bahrain, India and Newzland and now Indonesia!


                                                Let’s get started!
Q: Tell me a bit about yourself and tell me about Ekta.


A: Ekta is a cross-chain mainnet that bridges blockchain with the physical world.

The first manifestation of this is in our NFT offerings that push NFTs into the future

Ekta is South east Asia’s pie of the blockchain. It is one of a kind project to Bridge the gap between physical world and the virtual world of Blockchain.
Ekta is a new project in the blockchain where we bridge the blockchain to the physical world. We are a cross chain mainnet.

Q: Can you tell me more about the Staking Reward System and the high 400%+ initial minimum APY?
A:  the staking rewards system gives 431% APY because we only release 15% of our tokens during the IDO and all the token holders that stake mine for the remaining 85% of the tokens. That is why investors can have a minimum of 431% on year 1 if 100% of token holders stake ekta tokens in our mainnet

for example if you have 1000 tokens. After year one u will have 5310 tokens. if the price of ekta is at 10 then your usd value is 53,100. so you earn from tokens thru staking and also you earn from price appreciation. Currently, the APY is between 3000-4000% for stakers of Ekta!

Q: Where is EKTA available for purchase?

A: We’ve listed on Pancakeswap 3 days ago!  Adn A few more DEX’s are coming soon! Listed on $1.8 now it is $4.30.

After buying on pancakeswap, remember to come back to to stake to enjoy high APY!

Q: How has your public launch been going?

A:  Its been really amazing. our token price has been ascending nicely. we listed at 1.80 and now its at 4.30. people have realized that we have an amazing staking rewarrds system and more and more people want to try it out.

It’s been going beyond our expectations! For Ekta, our community has been the most supportive and inspirational community we could have asked for.

Its been perceived really well! The support from the community has been fantastic. Although we don’t dwell too much into the chart, it has been in the upwards consistently. Couldnt be a better start.
Beyond our staking rewards, we’ve seen a big response to the vision of Ekta. To use blockchain to give everyone a chance at a better life.

Q:Tell me about how Ekta is involved in NFTs.

A:  Fractionalised NFT has such an amazing potential. Berwin has been so involved in real-estate business for sometime. It was an easier DOT to connect. This provides faractioanlised ownership to common public without the risk of buying the entire property.

1. Property based NFTs – we bring on chain rare, luxury property in Bali and offer them in F-NFTs so that everyone has access to real estate that they didn’t before, and enjoy the benefits of being an owner, from rental income to property appreciation

2. Investment into UnixGaming – this project taps into the Axie Infinity universe of play-to-earn that also changes lives here in Southeast Asia by providing a vehicle for income during a time of pandemic and crisis

3. Incubating projects like Leyline that want to use Proof of Good and NFTs so that volunteers around the world can gain access to fair income for their good work

thru unlocking the value of property which is the biggest most illiquid asset class in the world

Q:  What makes Ekta different from other crypto projects out there?

A: Ekta bridges the physical world to the blockchain and unlocks the full potential of once illiquid and inefficient systems thru decentralization and transparency

thru unlocking the value of property which is the biggest most illiquid asset class in the world

The vision.Our vision is not limited to a single use case. Ekta is meant to create impact in the lives of common you and mem by bridging the gap between blockchain and the world we live in.

we also provide decentralized lending by inviting big corporations and businesses to stake in our liquidity pools and create capital that can be unlocked from the chain and bridge offchain to provide loans to the physical world where people need them the most

While many crypto projects are meme-based, or focus on how to make some corner of blockchain better, we’re trying to bring the benefits of blockchain to traditional businesses, industries, and communities so that the utility of blockchain is more prevalent in daily life for folks around the world. We believe this is vital towards universal adoption of blockchain, DeFi, and cryptocurrency.

Q: What’s next for Ekta?

A: While EKTA token has had an awesome reception in the market, we are focused on launching our NFT projects next. From property based NFTs to our collaboration with UnixGaming, NFTs are immediately next. We can also tease that our own DEX platform is also around the corner.

We are developing some of crucial functions of our ecosystem, our own DEX to start with. A DeFI system as mentioned by Jason. And very soon you will see a fractioanlised NFT marketplace. I could have spilled all the beans. Plus our decentralized lending platform and our own wallet.

Q: I’ve heard you guys are also working on a foundation that is doing social good in Bali and Southeast Asia. Can you tell me more about this side of Ekta?
  a. Indonesia Aid
  b. Plastic Exchange
  c. UnixGaming


A: Indonesia aid is a foundation we work with supporting food security, education, water safety and human trafficking in indonesa.

Plastic exchange is an environmental initiative where we educate villagers in indonesia to pick up plastic trash in exchange for rice.

UnixGaming is a gaming guild for axie infinity play to earn where we sponsor scholars to play axie infinity to improve the financial wellbeing of lower income countries where people earn usd 200 a month. with the play to earn game, the players can earn usd 1000 a month which is 5X their income

Axie infinity has been creating financial well being in Southeast Asia! With Unix we will be able to onboard more scholars and create a stream of income. We are very excited that a lot of people will earn their livelihood.

Q:  What are the ways for your project to generate revenue in the long run? What is the progress of business development and what are some of your commercial partnerships?

A: We are implementing DeFi, NFT, startup ecosystem. These all will be operating under Ekta. That would be our primary revenue generator.
Q:  What’s your main focus right now, are you focused on the community or market/Exchange or the products?

A: A bit of both. Community is our top priority and development.
Q: can you tell me and everyone about the 3 main benefits for future token holders? In order to develop this project long-term and attract users. What methods must you use to manage and minimize the negative impact of that risk?

A:  1. Ekta holders can stake and earn a minimum of 400% APY. Currently it’s almost 400%!
2. Ekta holders will be able to access our NFT offerings, ranging from real world property, play to earn blockchain gaming, to Proof of Good NFTs
3. Ekta is a long term blockchain ecosystem that allows our backers to know that they can profit with purpose through Ektaworld
Q: Are you an well experienced team and devs? Can you tell us more about team background and are they anonymous?

A:  our team background is very diversified from tech, property, private equity, incubation, design, digital media and blockchain. we are all doxxed in our team page and linked in. our tech team are very experienced from software engineering and blockchain with over 20 years experience.

Q: Do you have? aToken Burning plan to increase Token value and attract Investors to invest??

A:  at the moment we released 15% and are mining thru staking the rest of the 85% of the tokens. Eventually thru our DAO we will be voting together for plans of burning tokens if necessary.

Q: Do you have AUDIT certificates,  or are you working to AUDIT your project, to make it more secure and reliable???

A:  We are working closely with Certik. Prelim is completed.

Q: Do you have any plans to add NFT’s to your ecosystem as this is the hottest topic in the crypto space ?

A:  Yes we do have NFTs. we have fractionalized property NFT starting with rare luxury villas in Bali. We also have gaming NFTs thru our gaming guild and axie infinity and finally we will have NFTs thru leyline from proof of good and thru charities.

Q: What is the best part of your project? will you support staking and DAO features or not?

A:  I can say by bridging the physical world to the blockchain we are improving peoples lives and financial wellbeing. We have a DAO.

Q: For a project development first of all main priority is having enough fund. Does your team financially capable to run this project?

A:  we have successfully secured usd 4 million thru our seed round and IDO. Our team has 25 years experience in tech, marketing, start up incubation, real estate, digital media and private equity
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the EktaWorld Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, EktaWorld for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


Wanna know more?

Take a look at our other ama session


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