Ask Me Anything with DiversiFi at ICO Speaks: Summary

diversifi ama at ico speaks
diversifi ama at ico speaks
January 05-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the Deversifi side there were:  
Before we go to the first set of questions, could you please do a short self-intro?
👨‍💻 Metasin – Project developer – External Relations and Partnerships
Sure thing! I’ve been a part of the crypto space for a while now and am very excited for what crypto can offer the world. I’m one of the 3 developers on this current token and NFT project and we’ve been working on it for 5 months now. We were frustrated in the lack of collaboration between projects in space. We feel we’re stronger together than divided. That’s one of the reasons we’re launching Diversifi and FantomSquad


👨‍💻 Tamchy – Project Developer – NFT Artist – Designer
|Tamchy is our NFT designer and leader. He’s also one of the developers on Diversifi Crypto. He has immense talent in all things graphics and blockchain.

                                                            Let’s get started!
Q: What is Diversifi Crypto?

A: Diversifi Crypto is a new project launching on the Fantom chain January 14th that will be easily accessible from all chains! Diversifi allows you to buy one token $DFi and earn dividends in your choice of over 25 different Fantom projects. 

We’ve all seen Fantom blow up over the past month, this is the easiest way to gain exposure to those projects and learn the Fantom ecosystem. Both our token project and FantomSquad NFT project will give exposure to the Fantom chain.
We also have some other perks 🙂
It’s the one-stop shop for new people coming to fantom!
Both Solana and Fantom have tremendous potential. Fantom is extremely undervalued compared to Sol. This will push more and more users into Fantom. Fantom has an entire ecosystem around it and the community is amazing. We wanted to launch on Fantom to be a part of the initial explosion of Fantom.
Great projects are too crowded on bsc and eth and there’s unfortunately too many scams and too much gas on there.
This has already been apparent the last few weeks.
A lot of money has been flowing into the Fantom network and more and more Media and VC’s are trying to move over there. Investors are moving to other layer 1s as they continue to develop. That’s where we’ll continue to develop 🙂
Q:Are there other ways in which Diversifi Crypto Benefits the holders?

A:  DFi also allows a system called “locking”. It’s similar to staking but much safer as the tokens never leave your wallet! Locking prevents you from selling during your locking period but multiplies your dividends in whatever project you choose (can change anytime). Longer locking periods gives you a bigger multiple!!
We’ll also have a targeted buy-back system in place at launch 
Also hold the FantomSquad NFTs and earn free tokens! 🦇

Q:Can you give us an overview of the Fantom Squad NFT line?

A: The FantomSquad is a collection of 2600
Bats with hundreds of elements
inspired by daily life, mythology,
History and much more
Each Squadmember is unique with their
own combination of elements
giving each bat their own personal story

We have also established a lot of partnerships within the Fantom Ecosystem and have worked with them to create marketing value for all the projects involved

Q:  How do the Token and NFT line benefit each other?

A: They both benefit each other. Our NFTs directly work with other projects to grow their presence. This gets more people interested in both projects especially with DFi buying their token to distribute. A portion of the NFT sales goes to providing buybacks on the chart for DFI. NFT holders in return get distributions of DFi just for holding 🙂

Q: Btw how to get token? any sale upcoming?


A Our whitelist presale is finishing today and will be opening up public presale tomorrow
So now is the time to get involved 👍
For the NFT side of things we will have mint passes available before launch so people can secure some exclusive benefits and a NFT
Our whitelist presaleOur whitelist presale has successfully raised 50k!
 has successfully raised 50k!
Follow our telegram for updates for sure. But this is our presale platform
Q: Why the Fantom Chain?

A: We kind of answered that before but the best way to summarize is Fantom is BSC before it blew up. Some of those initial projects went on to be massive. First mover advantage to establish a presence

Q: Can you explain the launch details and how to buy?

A:  You can contribute in either bnb, Fantom, or eth in our presale.  At launch our liquidity will be added to spookyswap DEX (Fantoms pancakeswap)
You can directly trade from there or you can use Fibswap crosschain dex after launch to relay from every chain
So you can buy with avax, bsc, eth, ftm.  Making it super easy for people to get exposure to Fantom 👏
Q: Can you list 1-3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?

A: Our biggest advantage is how easy it is to earn a moonbag in every project. This is truly the simplest way to earn exposure to a ton of different projects on Fantom. Our design is completely innovative. Our “staking” system is much safer and is hugely appealing and innovative. Our NFT artwork is unrivaled and gets involvement from a ton of other projects increasing the community
Q: Partnership is always an important factor for every project. So who is your partner? What are the benefits you get from those relatiionships?

A: We have some awesome partners including some of the most influential people on the Fantom network
Q: Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, What makes your project different from other projects?

A: Everything we promised will be live at launch and ready to go. Then added utility can be evaluated after launch
Q:what are you going to do with the $DFi team to grow a loyal community and of course to strengthen it, and how do you trust investors?

A: Together with our Tokens and our NFT project we can grow a strong sense of community,
Fantom Network is different than BSC people there are true investors and want to see projects succeed so Fantom can succeed as a result.
Q: Where can I buy your tokens right now what is your current contract and how can I buy them?

A: Our contract for all those interested. Can’t be traded yet though
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Diversify Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Diversify for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂

Take a look at our other ama sessions here



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