Ask Me Anything with Royal Protocol at ICO Speaks: Summary

royal protocol ama session at ico speaks
royal protocol ama session at ico speaks
November 28th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the Royal Protocol side there was:

👨‍💻 Richard, @RoyalCOO, COO
Hello, I’m Richard, COO of Royal Protocol. I have a background in DevOps Engineering. I all things technical, innovation, and a good medium rare steak.


👨‍💻Carla, @SunKitten9, Director of Marketing


Director of Marketing, pretty sure she’s grabbing her second cup of coffee, we can continue.

                                                     Let’s get started!
Q: What is Royal Protocol?

A:  Royal Protocol is a safe haven for game companies and NFT projects. Many useful tools and projects are being added for companies wanting to move to a better chain from Ethereum, BSC and others. These include:
new and better NFT standards
unique NFT ecosystem
a wallet based inventory system
built-in advanced security features
lower fees
more decentralized node distribution

Q: What are you building?

A:  We are building Royal Protocol Chain, the chain of chains. An ecosystem around NFTs and their portability with all of blockchain, not just in Royal itself. An ecosystem where NFTs can find a safe haven and game assets are freely used amongst all games. Through this and a few other unique innovations we haven’t announced yet, including our own NFT standard, we firmly believe we are building the chain of the future as people watch chains like Ethereum struggle.

Q:How does this ecosystem benefit users?


A:Our unique ecosystem and product offerings will allow developers to confidently move their software into the blockchain space in an easy and efficient way. We are innovating in this space allowing asset interoperability amongst all games, and creating methods of valuing and moving NFTs from all markets, not just Royal Protocol Chain.

Q:  What is a good example of where Royal Protocol is innovating currently?

A:  One of our flagship, patent pending, products being launched over the next few months is Royal Arcade Rewind, an awesome new place where people can “Risk Everything, and Lose Nothing”. This is a preview of how we plan on innovating not only gaming but blockchain in general. Players can play risk based games without the element of risk and have a fun way of competing against others and having a faucet to the rest of our ecosystem when they win big!

Q:  What are some of the Milestones Royal Protocol has?

A:  We have a lot of big ambitious goals. Our NFT standard, our distinct and unique NFT marketplace is a great start for those just getting into NFTs and crypto. Our wallet, which will set a new bar for mobile wallet security in the blockchain space. These are just the tiniest of beginnings for Royal Protocol. We have a grand 5-10 year vision with far more larger innovations already laid out for blockchain. 
Also, watch for a brand new type of NFT gaming economy unique to Royal Protocol.

Q: What are your short-term plans?

A:  Royal has a few product launches over the next several weeks including our DEFI governance token GROY, our secondary marketplace for Royal Arcade Rewind tokens, and other projects to apply for first spots in our blockchain. We will also be launching our open beta to a product we have named Crypto Degenz, which we will be used for analytics and initial games launched into Rewind. So many exciting things are being built all the time!

Q:  We’ve heard mention of you having a game studio and building custom games, is this true?
A:  We are doing telegram mini games competitions in the very near term. Players can win free RAR (Royal Arcade Rewind) tokens playing those. Also 1600+ games that exist in our Crypto Degenz platform to decide which we want to bring over into Rewind. 
As I teased in our last message we have 6 gaming products underway right now outside of the above mentions. 
Lots of new products coming with NFTs on Royal Protocol including our own NFT standard.

Q:  How many games are you working on?
A:  We have a very fun interview process for game makers where we bring them in and have them make mini-games. Some of our junior engineers are building Telegram games for their interview process. 
Some of our most talented engineers are working on some pretty large and epic games with a unique use of NFTs to show off how our ecosystem will function.
Q: When do you expect to launch some of these games?
A:  We will have a series of games launched for token competitions over the next 3-4 weeks. This includes those telegram mini games and our Crypto Degenz open beta of 1600 risk based games.
We will launch one of our custom mini games with NFT sales shortly after that or during this period depending on development timelines
Q:  You mention 3 larger games, is one more ambitious than others?

A:  We have one game that is a brand new game type in the crypto space. We feel like we are building a unique mixed economy game that will really start show how Royal Protocol and Royal Arcade Studios are changing adding a new dimension to games and crypto.
Q: How can users stay updated with this project? Are there channels, including local communities where users can get the latest updates?

A:  @RoyalProtocol is a great place to get notified of announcements. Or of course you may join our community telegram @ROYProtocol
Q: Can you list 1-3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors?

A:  Only 1-3? We have far more than that bringing competition to the market. Our wallet, NFT marketplace and chain all deliver this right out of the gate. The patent pending game type Royal Arcade Rewind is a small example of the innovation we are building.
Our unique economy and other larger projects we aren’t able to speak of will melt the minds of those in the crypto community.
Q: Current NFT is a hot topic, but are NFT not just for art. Does your project think that more real world use cases will emerge for NFTs as time goes on, why should we take NFTs seriously?

A:  Our suite of products and our innovative ecosystem will change the game for NFTs, not only on Royal Protocol Chain but on all chains.
We are securing several NFT based patents to ensure that our technology is protected for everyone.
Q: Which one is more important to you:
C.Token Price 
If all of the above is important to you, which should come first?

A:  D. Products and Innovations
Of course our community is very important to us, they’re what help make Royal Protocol an awesome place to be. 
Outside of the community, Royal Protocol is building truly innovative concepts that are unheard of in this space or are not leveraged to their true potentials.
Royal is here to stand the test of time and build the future!
Q: Do you have a Token Burning plan to increase Token value and attract Investors to invest?

A:  We are not a tax token, most of these do not survive long term. We do have opportunities to participate in reflection tokenomics though. Currently we are doing a $1,000,000 give away of our Royal Governance Token.
We do have a faucet coming in the form of our patent pending Rewind system. With faucets we do have plans on having growth of our many-tiered liquidity system in the economy as well. With NFT sales and product launches Royal doesn’t plan on burns anytime soon but does plan on building liquidity from profits to invest in our own product space.
Eventually if the income is too much in our DEFI space and the community APY is too large we will consider burns as well.
Q: Binance smart chain is a great layer 2 solution to grow a new product on. Why pay $50-$200+ per tx on Eth? This is Royal’s launch point to create our own more distributed chain with more unique technology. Our goal is to launch our mainnet in 1st half of 2022

A:  Binance smart Chain blockchain is having high transaction speed and cheap gas fees, Do you have plan In mind to launch your mainet or switch to other blockchains in the future?
Q: Why you choose Binance Smart chain? we see some chain pop up with good scalability too, then why you choose BSC?

A:  Binance Smart Chain is a clone of Ethereum, backed by one of the largest exchanges. This eliminates 0 day vulnerabilities that other chains might have and gives speed and utility to us all while those chains are figuring out their own futures and features. 
Royal Protocol is an ecosystem of product, anyone can build a blockchain, we just plan on building a much bigger set of products than simply a blockchain.
Q: What is your marketing plans for Your project? Will you do more AMAs in the future, and any plans to work with influencers?

A:  We have a lot in store for marketing. Lots of AMAs, influencer collaborations, and even some game partnerships!
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Royal Protocol Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Royal Porotocol for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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