Telegram Marketing for ICO IEO projects in 2022. What Kind of telegram services is allowed and help to promote crypto projects in the 2022 year? Let me start the description of Telegram marketing from the beginning when it’s started.
From the end of 2017 to the end of 2018 this Huge hype of ICOs Telegram became so popular.
When the Hype of ICO Became to grow at the end of 2017, many users downloaded the main communication app Telegram messenger.
aggressive methods of spamming people inside.
- 1. Easy scrap people’s usernames from public groups
- 2. Inviting people from other groups to own groups in unlimited amounts
- 3. Send thousands of spam messages a day with your offers and I have to say it worked well
- 4. Invite people without permission in public groups and channels, it is also worked well
Many of the Top projects such as Ubex, Tron, Cosmos, Vechain, and others use the spam method to attract new investors and crypto members.
Some of them still use this method, unfortunately for them, it works very poorly.
Returning to 2019 and our Story I want to say that, Telegram is almost won in this duel with spammers.
Telegram is going to Launch its TON Network in Q3 2019. It means that the telegram Team are interested in their users and takes care of them.
Telegram is free Messenger, and available for all users all over the world, everybody can download it easily for, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows NT, macOS, and Linux.
There’s an opportunity to create a Channel and group as well as publicly and privately and promote their brands inside that channels.
Telegram doesn’t have any Advertisement and promotional methods such as Twitter, Facebook, and others.
Telegram Marketing for ICO IEO projects which we used to use.
Not a secret that Telegram is the Top app for communication about crypto and I will share with you below the methods of promotion of your project inside.
- 1. We have gathered a list of Traders, investors, and Airdrop participants from Okex, Bitforex, and coin base exchanges, which we easily can ask to join your project.
- 2. We have a pool of investors with Fund capital of around 50k USD which is growing monthly and new private investors join us actively and trust us to manage their Funds and get our insider information.
- 3. Our experienced Team analyzes prospective projects and shares them with investors in our Channel and discussion group, not every project we recommend, our recommendation is to make own research before investing any money.
- 4. User base collected from several crypto social media such as Reddit, Bitcointalk, Twitter, and Telegram.
- 5. We are in touch with our private investors in day and night, helping them, teaching, and supporting them.
Telegram Promotion for ICO IEO which will grow your project up!
Public Advertising services in ICO Speaks community
- 1. We are doing Advertising method to our investors with a discussion about your crypto project, it gives strong attention from investors when our Moderators assist and recommend current startup to pay attention and invest, normally we don’t do it and promote it without any recommendation, but if we like an idea of the project, then we can recommend it to our investors.
- 2. We pin the message in our news channel “ICO Speaks News” and conversation group “ICO Speaks”
- 3. We may also Pin the message and repost it to our partners, which have similar channels with a targeted amount of crypto users.
Here’s the full list of our Telegram Promo Services
- 1. Listing on Telegram channels and groups
- 2. Social Media Services
- 3. IEO advertising services
- 4. Investor packages
Detailed information with prices you can find by link
Our Team provides a Full specter of Telegram advertising and Marketing boost for ICO IEO STO Crypto startups and other projects like Mining, blockchain wallets, financial payment systems, e-books, games, casinos, and other gambling.
We also provide Outside telegram services
- 1. Sending a DM direct messages to crypto users in any group
- 2. Discussion about your project in the top 10 crypto groups, it gives understanding to others that your projects if powerful and especially with Hype around.
- 3. Inviting other users and involving them to join your project for learning and invest in it.
- 4. Inviting Investors, Traders from Top crypto groups such as Binance, and Huobi.
- 5. We have a relationship with Venture capital firms, Hedge Fund organizations, and Private Pools. It helps us to attract another kind of investor.
Pin a post in telegram

What is the difference between pin posts in groups and channels?
Pin post on the Telegram channel has a simple effect.
After posting a post members will see the post on their phones, it may involve them switching on their phones.
However, it is more possible to implement in discussion groups, and reactions from the community will be immediate.
Another side of the medal is that Moderators can involve users in conversation and change investors’ moods.
There are minuses in public groups, for example, spammers have access to the group, and pm your users with scam proposals.
Examples of ICO Speaks Adverting campaign
We create a post with a description of the main advantages of the project, with links to websites and social media.
The first post we made on our news channel ICO Speaks News for our silent members.
Then we repost it too chatty members in conversation chat for public review, disputes, and hot discussion about the project.
When you are doing a Telegram promotion for your ICO or IEO, at that stage is very important to be more communicative with your audience.
There are several kinds of investors
1. Newbie in crypto, they will ask many simple questions, which you should to answer and be online 24/7
Need to have a project list of FAQs (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS).
2. Smart and experienced in crypto, they will not communicate in a group, they just read the announcements and comments. So you need to be always a communicative and open-minded project.
Experienced investors do their own research, they make sure to invest or not.
ICO Speaks members are very energetic and communicative people; they invest carefully when our Team recommends them to do it. Each investor has their own opinion and can ask the project admins, what the project is about and worth it to invest in?
We usually Have teaching lessons in our community to Teach newbies and improve current members.
You will see the first results at that time when you will order our services.
Each package has a timeframe to prepare everything from scratch, so, purchase the services today.