Ask Me Anything with Plutonium at ICO Speaks: Summary

plutonium ama at icospeaks
plutonium ama at icospeaks
November 30-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the Plutonium side there was:

👨‍💻Guillermo Ramirez| CEO |@bosstrel

Yes! Of course, im guillermo im the co/founder and CEO OF plutonium ! I  have a degree in business administration and I am studying another in computer science engineering, also i have 5 years of Experience in the crypto word


👨‍💻Bruno Opertti|  CFO and backend dev| @Brunoopertti

My name is bruno, i’m a software dev and a finance student. I have been doing solidity around  1 year of experience in solidity, 4 years overall coding.


👨‍💻Juan Schaninder Cuickshank|Fullstack developer| @jscrui

Since I was born I’ve been fascinated about physics and electronics. I spent my childhood disarming and experimenting with everything that came into my way. Then I received my
first computer which became my encyclopedia. I discovered Bitcoin in 2013 and I understood pretty quickly what it was going on, I’m sorry I was too young back then. I decided to
learn coding when I saw that it was the way in which logic was mixed with electronics, so I started developing with Arduino (C & C++) then Java, Python and Javascript and three years ago I decided to specialize in Solidity and the EVM for passion.

Since 2018 on the ETH Hackaton Buenos Aires, I feel interested about the EVM and Solidity. I started to learn and work as a freelancer doing a lot of websites with web3js, staking
contracts, bots that can interact with contracts on dexx and also trading bots for classic exchanges. Also I have studied in depth out of curiosity the operation of Flashloans attacks
and mathematics/logic of Pool, Swaps, Farming and Stake. : Metapool is a token/dapp that takes 5% of each tx, swap it to BNB and sends it to the metapool, then a fallback() swaps the received BNB to BUSD to avoid volatility. Each day at 00:00 UTC, Metapool enable claims and each user who claims receive 10% of the total amount accumulated. So, whoever claims first, receives more. Also, to claim you must hold 800  metapool tokens and if you were lucky to claim on 1st place, you will not be able to claim on the next day. : BSCdelta was a fork of EtherDelta, a decentralized trading platform that lets you trade Ether and ERC20 Tokens directly with other users without using liquidity pools. (Unfinished and no horizon to finish it)
                                                 Let’s get started!
Q: What is plutonium ? 
A:  Traditional launchpad are not flexible offering a common services flow for all the projects. Plutonium was created to solve the lack of flexibility of preexisting launchpad platforms, offering taylor made services to fulfill specific project needs.

In resume: Plutonium wants help people in the launch of their projects.

Q: What is the way it was created?
A:  Well, the platform was created as a way to solve the lack of flexibility on launching services on the crypto space since there was no “middle” ground for launchpads, its either exclusive or completely open to the public. We also found that in the beginning raising funds is quite hard so we plan on offering a free launch plan

Q: How does the presale works ?
A:  We will add a whitelist you can join it soon! the same white list will work for both rounds!  Those who participate in the first can participate in the second, the number of users per round is the hard cap ÷ the minimum purchase.  example: in round 1 the hard cap is 20000 busd and the minimum purchase is 250 busd this divided 2.  then the number of places for the first round is 40,
The seed rounds will be quite a simple process to buy during the seed rounds, on Dec 3rd a buy button will appear on our website. After clicking the button you will be able to enter the quantity of tokens that you want to purchase (following the preset limits) before this you need to connect your wallet metamask, trust wallet, etc. The presale will be on the bsc network so remember to add the network in your wallet. The liquidity will be automatically added on pancake swap and all tokens will be distributed once all the rounds are completed. We decided to make the seed rounds in our website to show you how the buying process will be once the launchpad is realesed. (Changes on the interface are gonna be done )
Q: What plans does the team have planned for plutonium?

A:  At this moment we are working really hard on the first stages of marketing. After this first stage is done we will be registering a company, renting out some office space, expanding the development team so the launchpad is as complete as it can be, we will also be developing the dex and achiving our long term plans as much as we can!

Q: What is the aim for the launchpad?
A:  Well we aim to be a middle ground for launchpads, because we found out that there is barely any, all launchpads are either way too exclusive for projects to launch or completly open (which can lead to scams) so we decided to build something with some human verification but that would still allow small projects to join, since we offer a free launch plan.

Q: What is an ICF?

A:  This is something that we create The “Initial Coin Funding” gives you the opportunity to get funds for develop your idea, this is the firs step developing a project, in this service the funding its indirect goes behind a lottery, there the investor if he is a PLUM LOCKER will have 2 chances to winn money, one: wining the prizes on the lottery, and the second one: after the project financed on the icf get launched all the plum lockers will receive a air drop of the token launched

Q: What are the benefits of the staking plans?
A:  Well, the first benefit of all staking plans is guranteeing a spot for all IDOs, the second benefit will be a discount for the ICF lottery and the third being that if you particpate on an IFO you will recieve a part of the airdrop tokens between all stakers.
Q: Do you have a longterm goal?

A:  Yes! In terms for the launchpad we plan on building a multichain launchpad with multiple networks including networks that are not based on solidity or ETH for that  matter. When it comes to plutonium we plan on building our ecosystem as much as humanly possible
Q: Can you List 1-9 Killer features of your PROJECT that makes it ahead of Competitors?

A:  Yes, first of all having a free launchplan is quite a competitive advantage, then we have the staking plans and their benefits and at last we have the ICF which would give us a completly new market for project.
Q: Do you have Whitepaper if yes, please share it with as secondly do you have plans for pre-sale? Now where can we Join it?

A: Yes, Feel free to ask in our tg
Q: What is the relationship between Mainnet v2 and Mainnet v3 and what are the differences?

A:  The difference are the ammount if chains available as well as some plans and benefits for holders.
Q: Are you planning to promote your project in countries / regions where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project??

A: Yes we are in touch with different communities, on the upcoming days a japanese video will be posted. And more are coming !

Q: Security audits are extremely important for any project, especially DeFi protocols that deal with user funds. So, can you explain if your project has been audited to convey confidence and security to the crypto community that is interested in investing in your project?

A: We are having our contract fully audited by techrate, and we have a partnership with them to audit all the contracts that decide to have an audit when launching

Q: Low liquidity is one of the main problems with the DeFi, Project what are you going to do about it? Do you have a liquidity provider program? What benefits for liquidity providers?

A: Yes we know that, we have the 36% of total supply inside the liquidity  !!

Q: Do you have tutorial videos so we can get to know your project more clearly or do you have a YouTube channel or something?

A: Are coming soon!!!

Q: Which one of these aspects is important for you? 1-Increasing Token Price & Value 2-Empowering Platform Development 3-Building Community Trust 4-Expanding Partnership Globally In what order?

A: For us the most important aspect would be to grow the platform as much as possible and we will be re investing quite a huge part of the proceeds to achieve this goals, since we truly believe that this has a lot of potential
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Plutonium Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Plutonium for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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