Ask Me Anything with GinGr at ICOSpeaks: AMA Summary

March 18-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICOSpeaks telegram chat. From the GinGr side there was: 
Before we go to the first set of questions, could you please do a short self-intro?

👨‍💻 Head of Marketing for GINGR powered by the $GGC @CMO_GGCoin

I am the Chief Marketing Officer and come from close to 2 decades worth of global marketing experience, having worked with major international companies around the world. 
I joined GinGr as i believe this will be the next big project that pushes mass adoption. Think about it…basically adult content and gambling drove the adoption of the internet! 
Our CEO, Sergio Rigert, comes from thriving background having worked across an array of exciting start ups from various different industries. 
The core team have collectively over 20 years worth of tech development, marketing and growth backgrounds, having worked across the globe on various large scale projects.

                                               Let’s get started!
Q: Give us an overview of the GinGr ecosystem?

A: Essentially, #GinGr will be the first worldwide direct end-to-end booking platform for the oldest industries in the world, using Blockchain Technology. A modern and user-friendly way to book and pay for sex-worker services. 
Think like Uber for Sex…but so much more. We are developing an ecosystem where users can explore all of their desires and fantasies both in the physical and digital worlds. Imagine what you could be and who you could be with?!! 
The GG Coin ($GGC) is the primary currency or utility token of the GinGr ecosystem, enabling safe and anonymous payments.

Q:  When did you launch the project?

A: The teams have worked on the project over the last 5 years, where all of the time and investment has gone into developing one of the most robust tech stacks in this market. We are way ahead of the competition and have already got a LIVE MVP –
We will soon list first on DEX (pancake swap) and then be listed on major central exchanges. All of this will be announced very soon!
We have only started our marketing journey, but the teams have been building for a very long time. So if you are looking to get into a project that is all about execution…then GinGr is just that project and we welcome all new members to join a young but growing TG group here –`

Q: How do you see the competitve landscape and what makes your project unique?

A:  We see a lot of our competition trying to build up as much hype as possible, with very little tech backing their claims. We are all about execution and already have a LIVE MVP! This sets us way aead of the rest! 
Some competitors are also trying to optimise their project by developing IRL establishments. We think this is rather naive and the costs around some of those claims are clearly not being all thought through. We have decided to take a digital first approach and are building a digital ecosystem including 10,000 unique adult NFTs with awesome utility (membership rights, passive income potential and metaverse land rights). We are working towards one of the greatest metaverse projects that will ever exist, where community members can explore all their naughtiest fantasies!! 
In saying that, our platform is basically like Uber for sex but way better! We will also be launching an adult content creators platform like Only fans but be way better as the subscribers might stand the chance to actually interact with their favourite stars within our community.

Q: How is the token used in the platform? 

A: Being a blockchain project, this is of course key to the ecosystem. What is important to note here is we really want our community members to earn real money and we have devised clever ways for people to earn passive income. 
The GG Coin ($GGC) is the primary currency or utility token of the GinGr ecosystem, enabling safe and anonymous payments. Holders of $GGC will also then be able to earn our DAO token $GST. $GST holders will have voting rights and also be able to earn passive income via earning a percentage of sales that go through our platform.

Q: What issues does GinGr solve?

A:  We are tackling one of the oldest industries in the world, but sadly it is also one of the most dangerous industries in the world for those who work inside. 
Sex working has gotten a very bad reputation because of the nefarious (bad) characters it attracts. GinGr plans to solve this by making it safe, secure, anonymous, and decentralised empowering sex workers to not only survive but thrive as they can truly become their own bosses. 
The on-demand platform will act much like Uber where both buyer and seller can be reviewed and vetted. Blockchain also lends itself perfectly to ensuring that the transactional data within this type of exchange can be protected by the technological integrity.

Q:  Tell us about some of the unique features of GinGr

A:  The platform itself will have many cool and unique features, where users can fulfil their desires almost immediately by seeking out their preferences through a highly convenient and secure on-demand platform. As mentioned, it is much like Uber, users can select the type of experience they desire. Moreover, it will work along the same lines of supply and demand, ensuring that the market itself regulates price. 
Imagine this, you open the app…find people near you, select your preference and BOOM…Meeting new people is hard these days and we are here to help 🙂
maybe BOOM should be BANG 😜

Q: What does the roadmap look like?

A: 👉 Private sale well underway ($0.016)
👉 Listings (DEX & CEX)
👉 Advisor Board Reveal
👉 Investor List Reveal 
👉 Staking/rewards program Launched 
👉 10,000 Unique NFT project
👉 Metaverse partnerships 
👉 DAO security token release 
👉 Publish-To-Earn Content platform (like only fans but better)
👉 Adult MetaVerse

Q:  Please could you explain the tokenmics and benefits for holders? 

A: Сool beans! So basically as I have mentioned, we really beleive in creative ways for our members to earn passive income. 
So beyond investing in the coin ($GGC), the following will be experienced: 
✅ People who stake $GGC will earn $GST
✅ Pooled/staked GST will in turn earn more GGC 
🥳 And very excitingly, people who own specific GG NFTs can earn more GGC & more GST. 
👊The so-called ‘tax’ and how it is distributed among the GST holders
$GGC holders will have voting right and special land rights in the Metaverse.
Q: What markets will the services be available in and what are some of the future markets where GinGr will be available?   
A: Our domain (sex-work) means we have to comply with regulation and law. This of course means, our platform services will only be available where it is legal. 
Sex work is legal and regulated within almost 34 countries, which is exactly where GinGr will initially rollout our offering starting with Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and Lichtenstein. Markets to follow next will be Netherlands, Belgium, UK, Ireland, Spain, Denmark, Luxemburg, Italy, Greece, France, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. 
But everyone is welcome to join the digital sex frontier with us via our adult NFTs, adult content creator platform and the eventual launch of our Adult Red Light District Metaverse!
Q: Gingr’s domain is can be challenging from a legal standpoint. How are you going to handle that?

A: Yea this is top an front center of our minds daily! We are playing by the book and are already a FINMA registered organization in Switzerland. 
The platform itself, will only be available in countries where sex work is legal, namely the above mentioned markets. 
However the token and earning potential around the NFTs, Adult Content Platform and metaverse will be available globally (excluding high risk markets).
Q: IF THE BEAR MARKET COMES will your token PROBABLY DUMP? Do you have any plan to prepared for this bear market? How will you handle the panic sell ?
A: We always take the long term view. We are building real value and great earning potential for those in the industry. What is key is that we constantly seek out ways to improve our service and technology. loyal users will be diamond holders.


Q: Do the token holders have the right to participate in the governance of the project? What kind of decisions can they vote on about the project?

A: Yes absolutely! Holders of the $GGC tooken, will earn our DAO token $GST. $GST holders will have voting rights and special right on the metaverse land.
Q:What are the competitive advantages of your project? What advantages do you have over competitors? What would be your project secure most similar contender in the market today in terms of scalability, security, features, and adaptability?

A: We have a working LIVE MVP…most of our competitors can only make promises. We have already delivered. They might have started marketing before us, but the best marketing in the world cant make up for a bad or non existent product!
Q: How can I do my research about your project? Do you have any whitepaper released and can you provide me all the social media links and blogs?

A: Yes, absolutely, feel free to read more here:
Q: As a community-based project, how can I donate my quota for your success? Do you have a Global Ambassador Program or a Referral Rewards System?
A: Yes we wil be launching such initiatives very soon. Best to join our communities and keep an eye out for this announcement.
Q: Do you allow suggestions and feedback from the community? Are we allowed in decision making, do you put the community into consideration? @CMO_GGCoin

A: Absolutely, best to start staking your $GGC and then earn $GST for voting rights!
BUT we are an open community, so join our groups and share your feedback. We will build this together!
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the GinGr Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, GinGr for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉

Take a look at our other ama sessions


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