Ask Me Anything with CleanDefi at ICOSpeaks: AMA Summary

cleandefi ama
cleandefi ama
May 5-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICOSpeaks telegram chat. From the Clean Defi side there were: 
Before we go to the first set of questions, could you please do a short self-intro?
👨‍💻Patrick Ripoll – CEO and Founder – @leondupanloup

I’m Patrick Ripoll founder of Cleandefi. I’ve been actively working in crypto domain for about 5 years as trader and investor
👨‍💻Matthieu Merlio – Head of Marketing – @Matthieu0634

Very nice to meet you. I’m an experienced entrepreneur with almost 20 years running a Marketing agency and Marketing strategies for various types of businesses worldwide. Passionate about crypto, blockchain and DeFi since 2021, we decided to launch a new project
 👨‍💻 Olga Lutz – Project Advisory – @cryptotravel

We’re happy to be here and introduce our project CleanDefi. I am Olga, Project Advisor and crypto marketing specialist.

I have been working with crypto since 2017.
Apart from fundraising, I often consult for projects during the incubation phase. I usually help the projects to identify key strengths, potential weaknesses and competitors, first. Then I have a long call with the team before proposing ideas or solutions which the teams are free to adopt or not – but usually they do. I often help improve or develop marketing plans where required.

                                                            Let’s get started!
Q: Why is CleanDefi exceptional? What makes your project unique on DEFI markets?

A: CleanDefi team has developed its own universal scanning module which retrieves the exchange rates among all Solana liquidity pools to provide the best exchange rate to our client. The uniqueness of CleanDefi will be the ability to provide access to more than 250+ pools of other DEFI platforms.
Uѕing Sоlаnа nеtwоrk will аllоw a rарid increase in thе trаding vоlumе and therefore inсrеаѕе in revenues.

Q: What services does CleanDefi plan to provide on the platform?

A: The structure of CleanDefi platform consists of following services: 
– Swap and Trade, 
– Stake and Yield farming, 
– NFT marketplace, 
– IFO (Initial Farm Offer) 
– Voting (IPFS) 
We are preparing integrations with Orca, Raydium, Saber and Mercurial.

Q: What is the utility of the CDFI token and what about token distribution? Have you already had a private sale?

A: Holders can use the CDFI tokens both to earn revenue and to vote on governance proposals. 
For team & advisors there is 24-month lockup 
50% of tokens are allocated for liquidity mining       
20% to private sale 
10% to public sale                                 
7% goes to team and advisors            
8% is for protocol incentives & ecosystem                                              
5% to CDFI reserve 
Total supply is 2,000,000,000 CFDI 
Initiаl сirсulаting ѕuррlу is 189,000,000 CDFI  
During Pre-IDO CleanDefi managed to raise $1.2M with early investors’ support


Private Sale took place in January22

Q:  Do you plan to have your own pools on CleanDefi platform? If so how do you plan to maintain liquidity? 

A: We plan to have both our own liquidity pools and use pools due to integrations with Orca and Raydium. To maintain liquidity CleanDefi uses an automated liquidity protocol powered by a constant product formula and implemented in a system of smart contracts on Solana blockchain.
To mitigate impermanent loss and incentivize liquidity providers, we use a stakeholder model that pays liquidity providers a percentage of all trading fees and rewards users with platform-specific tokens that can become highly valuable assets in their own right. In liquidity pools token pairs must maintain equal total values. This balance of equal values is managed by the formula: x*y = k.
This formula maintains that the total value of one token in a liquidity pool must always equal the total value of the other token in the pool. Maintaining the equal value relationship between the token pair is the basis of the automated pricing mechanism.

We also have support of funds and investors to maintain stable token price and later to list it on other DEXs and CEXs.

Q: What about IDO? When will you have Whitelist and Public-sale round and what about terms?

A: Funds and investors partners.

First of all, the registration for the Whitelist has already began. 10 % of CleanDefi
total supply is set aside for the IDO.           

I want to emphasize that we are conducting the public sale at a fixed
price of $0.3 per CDFI token. The IDO will be live on our website ahead of the timing of the sale. We will announce finish of registration for Whitelist in our social
medias. Public sale round will start on 8th of May.


Q: How can IDO participants earn with CDFI? Will there be any lockup and cliff?

A: IDO participants automatically become Liquidity Providers as they can  
stake tokens for period from 6 to 12 months. The cliff period is 3 months. After  
cliff, we will make your reserved tokens available to stake for CDFI Yield.
Liquidity Providers are stimulated for contributing to liquidity pools through: 
• Swap-fees sharing for LPs (0,3%). On CleanDefi, liquidity providers earn a 0.3%  
fee every time a trade occurs. For liquidity providers, more trading and more  
volatility means more money. With enough trading volume on the platform,  
liquidity providers can accumulate fees to negate the occurrence of  
impermanent loss.


We also provide CDFI Yield options for LPs. For instance, CleanDefi Multiplier is different according to vesting period and amount CDFI. The Multiplier can raise APY up to 5x.

Q: What about the team and what is the origin of the CleanDefi project?

A: CleanDefi group is based in Europe and management team is mostly from France and Switzerland.
We are crypto-enthusiasts, business developers and specialists with strong technical background

But CleanDefi is much more international project as we also have a lot of remote specialists in different parts of the world, as designers, blockchain specialists, ambassadors and fund members.We also contract services for social media development, making our team much larger if you count our contractors. 
Our aim is to build a CleanDefi community, the members of which will use the platform and enjoy all benefits of safe and decentralized financial services.
Considering different options of partnerships at this stage, the CleanDefi team has already developed a valuable blockchain product. 🔥
Q: BSC is really in trending now because it has low gas fee and high transaction speed. Have you any plan to move on BSC?BSC is really in trending now because it has low gas fee and high transaction speed. Have you any plan to move on BSC?

A: We prefer Solana and I will explain you why. There are the essential benefits of building a DEX aggregator on Solana:
– Solana offers composability, giving high performance without Layer-2 sharding or solutions
– There is a 400ms block time of speed available
– Solana also offers scalability, with 65k transactions handled per second
– All solutions of Solana ecosystem could be easily integrated into our platform
– Great and solid security and decentralization
Q: Do you have a whitepaper? If yes, please share it with us.

A: The White Paper is available at


Q:Where can I currently buy Token?

A: We have already started WL registration to buy tokens
Q: For a project development first of all main priority is having enough fund. Does your team financially capable to run this project?  Do you have enough fund for it’s developement Can you tell us that how your project generate the profit?

A: We did a private sale to secure the funds. Profit will come from swap fees
Q: Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, What makes your project different from other projects?

A: Cleandefi will provide the best swap rates thanks to our innovative scanning module
Q:What is your top 3 things for priorities in 2021? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year?

A: Our top priorities is security and the ability to maintain fair price in our pools. Also we are preparing valuable integrations with Solana top-projects in ecosystem
Q: Security audits are extremely important for any project, especially DeFi protocols that deal with user funds. So, can you explain if your project has been audited to convey confidence and security to the crypto community that is interested in investing in your project?

A: Yes security really matters. We’ll be audited by Certik, N°1 in this industry
Q: Can you list 1-3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?

A: As Solana system is growing fast, our team decided to develop a universal DEX aggregator based on Solana: our scanning module retrieves the exchange rates among Solana liquidity pools to provide the best exchange rate to our client. There is still no such platform on Solana, and CleanDefi will be the first one. 
CleanDefi pretends to become one of the leading DEX aggregators that offers the best rates by discovering the most efficient swapping routes across all leading DEXes.
Q: A common problem is that nowadays most investors are only interested in initial profits and ignore long-term benefits! So can you give them some reasons why they should buy and hold your tokens in the long term?

A: We are going to provide stable token  price and long term real profits, according to TVL and Multiplier. In fact in this way profit is much more stable than crazy unreal thousands of APY on others platforms
Q: I am interested to invest in your project. When and where can I buy your tokens? Is it already listed exchanges?

A: Thank you for your interest ;-). We decided not to list it for now as we’re concentrating on the WhiteList and IDO managed directly from our website ( but this will come soon
Q: Can you share some Details about Recent Major Achievements done by your project? Also, what are the Future Roadmap & Targets of your project?

A: You can check the roadmap on our website and WP too. The main priority is launch of platform, implementing own pool of liquidity and Solana integrations
Q: Do you guys feel satisfied by seeing your progresses and achievements till now, when you look back to the day when you have started this project?

A: This is always an adventure when you start a new business and because the crypto industry has unique characteristics, that’s even more exciting! We’re very happy of what has ben achieved so far and we’re looking forward to making the project even more successful with you and for you 🙂
Q:Trust is very important in any business,  can you tell us about what makes investors, customers & users feel safe when working with Your project? T

A: We had  already got  a successful support from early investors . Considering different options of partnerships at this stage, we will announce our partners on the website soon ✅

Q:Are you a global project or local project? At present, which market are you focus on, or is it focused on building and growing to gain customers, users and partners?

A: This is a global project, by definition and also because DeFi enables that more than any other crypto project.

Q: What are the benefits of holding your token as long term investment? Can you tell us about the motivation and benefits for investors to keep the your token in the long run?

A: We’ll be continuously innovating. We already start to develop metaverse project for example.
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Clean Defi Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Clean Defi for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂
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