Ask Me Anything with Aurum at ICO Speaks: Summary

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aurum ama at ico speaks
October 20-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the Aurum side  there was

💻 Jeff Simpson | CEO of Aurum| @MorphAUR

I am Jeff Simpson ‘aka” DS_Morph the New Ceo of Aurum. Aurum is the gold standard of tokenomics and BSC Security. As the new Ceo of Aurum I bring with me over 15 years in Sales management and marketing experience as well as over 7 years prior to that in the IT industry.  I’m very proud to be here today to tell you all more about this amazing project! 

                                                            Let’s get started!
Q: What is the name of your Token?
 A:  Aurum was rebranded from MBS “Moonboys” financial earlier in 2021. This was done to further our teams passion to bring us closer to becoming a true alt coin and sercure our investors future with our new crypto wallet and other coming features that has been redesigned from the ground up! This amazing ecosystem along with what we have planned with Aurum HQ and a crypto security browser we have some amazing things to look forward to by holding AURUM!

We have changed the contract to move much closer to a true altcoin with utility and away from the meme coin image we had before.  Many upgrades were implemented I will share 👌🏼👍🏼
Q: What is the tokens utility?
 A:  Aurum aims to be the Gold standard of rewards on the binance smart chain by bringing a crypto wallet designed by investors for investors. Here is our wallet’s roadmap;  We also have a pressure Vault that awards projects access to our locked Vault wallets, in GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE tier. The top projects battle it out each week to have access to these keys and reap the benefits of our passive income system!

With our recent upgraded contract and integration of chainlink price feeds we move much closer to a true altcoin!. We are soo happy to be partnered with chainlink and look forward to working with them on making our wallet the most accurate one available on the market for our loyal investors Here’s all the upgrades for our new contract!
 Q: How did Aurum come to be?
 A:  Aurum was rebranded from MBS “Moonboys” financial earlier in 2021. This was done to further our teams passion to bring us closer to becoming a true alt coin and sercure our investors future with our new crypto wallet and other coming features that has been redesigned from the ground up!
Q:What are the features of the new upgraded contract you recently launched?
 A:  Our new contract seen us go from having over 1 quadrillion supply to now be reduced down to only 1 billion! We also lowered our taxes from buy/sell of 18/22% down to now only a buy/sell of 10/10%!! We also upgraded other aspects of the contract to reduce gas fees upon suggestions from our successful audit with Solidity Finance! You can find our full report here;
Q:What is the strongest aspect about Aurum?
 A:  THE COMMUNITY! We have the most amazing community in all of crypto! This I can say with all of my heart and soul as I have shilled right alongside everyone of these people in moving my way up within AURUM’s team. The Aurum Army is the absolute next big thing everyone is going to be talking about as they are the most dedicated I’ve ever seen! Shout out to everyone of you!!!! Also we are recruiting so join our Telegram after the AMA to find out more. We have a ton of fun in our community and as I have many connections with influencers already in the industy there will be many exciting AMA’s we have. Wizard Doom was just by our chat twice in the past week for questions and we always have music playing for people to get hyped about crypto! Come to Aurum for the fun and entertaiment but stay for the passive income is our slogan!!!
Q: What current stage is the wallet at in development?
 A:  Right now we are in Phase 1 of our Beta testing. This is available to download and try on chrome extension right now at
Phase 2 is now only a few weeks away and we will be integrating more updated designs as well as integrating Chainlinks price feeds into our charts! We are striving to bring to you the most secure and accurate place to safeguard your crypto! 
Thank you again for coming here to take a look at Aurum and hope to see you all in our Telegram after the AMA, I will be live on voice this evening with music to celebrate! Hope to see you here:
Q: Where Can i buy your token?

A:  You can purchase on Apeswap, Pancake swap or on Bitmart!!

Q: Is Your Platform Suitable for Crypto Novice? Or dose it only appeal to professional users??
A:  Our platform will be suitable for both Novice and professional users and we also have someone available for questions 24/7 in our telegram chat, so please join there at;

Q: What makes your project unique and how can we trust your project is legit as anonymous team many scams happens and they even abandon projects later?
A:  We have been through all the ups and downs through the start of the year and the crash and we have persevered and now are in a better position that we have ever been before with our product!
Q: How can users stay updated with this project? Are there channels, including local communities where users can get the latest updates?

A:  Yes we have telegram, discord, Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram, please visit our website at for links!  Also our new website is coming soon so keep a lookout for it as well!

Q:  What makes you feel confident about the survival & sustainable success of Your project in the near future?
A: Our team is one of the best assembled in all of BSC with many veterans in the space.  We have an amazing team that has shown resiliency and we have overcame any hurdles that have stood in our way.  I can’t wait to further develop our products here well into the next few bull runs!!!

ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Aurum Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Aurum for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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