Ask Me Anything with Token||Traxx at ICO Speaks: Summary

TokenTraxx AMA at ICOSpeaks
TokenTraxx AMA at ICOSpeaks
February 4-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICOSpeaks telegram chat. From the TokenTraxx side there was: 
Before we go to the first set of questions, could you please do a short self-intro?

👨‍💻Tommy Danvers | CCO | @TommyDanvers


We are both founders of Token||Traxx.I ’m TommyD – I’m an award winning Music Producer, Songwriter, Artist, DJ,  TV Presenter, Public Speaker and founder and creator of Token||Traxx.

I’ve spent all my life mixing, mixing genres, mixing tunes, mixing whisky. I believe in mixing things together to disrupt and create new stylez.

I’ve worked with everyone from Kanye to Kylie and sold over 60 million units and had over a billion streams! Got into Crypto in 2016 and NFT around two years ago
👨‍💻 Brian Elders | CFO | @brianelders

Not just the founder of Token||Traxx, but I am involved deeply in crypto and digital assets.
I’m the Founder of Sors Digital Assets,  a VASP that helps companies bring to market and trade digital assets including tokenized equity, funds, cryptocurrencies, utility tokens and NFT

I’m partner, I’m partner at security tokenization specialists, Black Manta, cofounder at Defactor (DeFi) and cofounder at Fortuna Digital Custody which does custody & advisor to a small number of other projects including Enreach and ndau

                                                            Let’s get started!
Q: Please tell us more about your teammates at TokenTraxx and also introduce your team to us?

A: Miles Leonard is a top British music industry executive
Chairman of Parlophone & Warner Bros. Records UK, where previously worked for Virgin Records, EMI Records. So he is our music industry heavyweight. Having overseen the careers of Coldplay, Gorillaz, Blur, Radiohead and Kylie to name a few
Tim Gentry is COO
is a specialist in growth strategy
who advises leading media & technology businesses and investors such as Bauer Audio, Outbrain and Vitruvian Partners, and was previously Global Revenue Director at The Guardian and MD EMEA for Videology. These guy and all the wider team will be on the website this week

Q: Now that we know who you are at “Tokentraxx”. What was the initial motivation behind starting Tokentraxx?

A: Token||Traxx is a tech company that innovates how we discover, engage, share and now trade music

I have been a professional music Creative for 30 years, I’ve been signed to major labels and publishers, worked with big and small artists and sold and streamed billions along the way.
I’ve seen the pitfalls, the traps and the sharks but I’ve also seen the incredible power and beauty of music and how it can transform lives.
It’s always a slog and it never gets easier but with the right tools everyone gets a chance and with tech like NFT and blockchain I see the opportunities.
That’s why 18 months ago I devised the concept of Token||Traxx and we’ve been diligently and methodically building our team ever since.
The music industry is in a mess, with 65% of pro musicians in the UK earning less then $20k a year and 95% of artists on Spotify making less than $1k a year, it’s extremely hard to be a full time music creative.
And yet this is the absolute best time for music discovery and theres a wealth of amazing music out there, its just not getting the exposure or funding it deserves.


With Token||Traxx we’re gonna change all that

Q:  As we all know, the music industry is huge. With various projects having tried to bring music into the crypto and NFT world and failed. What do you think sets Tokentraxx apart from these other projects? What do you think makes you stand out?

A:  Our team is key to setting us apart
Token||Traxx is the only NFT marketplace built by musicians for the music community
The key is to provide a new system that gives music creators a fair rewardNot just Creators.

At Token||Traxx we work around a concept of something I defined called The 3C’s Creators, Curators and Collectors. They are the ecosystem at the heart of music discovery, engagement and now with Music 3.0 trading and owning. Token||Traxx is developing a user experience that means all the members of the 3C community benefit.
Miles, myself and our wider talent onboard team know artists, we know how to talk to them and get the best out of them.
We’re doing all kinds of mad drops as well but you’ll only find out about them if you’re on the Token||Traxx guestlist at


Q:  What are your main goals in the coming year for Tokentraxx, and if you had to pick one main goal, what would this be?

A: The main goal in the first year will be to gather a large, loud and engaged community from all over the globe . 
Beginning the transformational journey for something we call The 3C’s – Musics Creators, Curators and Collectors

Token||Traxx is developing an innovative user experience that means all the members of the 3C community benefit. I can’t say much more than that for now but trust me we are looking at every single opportunity and yes rights sharing is very much a part of that

Q: Currently, a lot of people are looking at NFT, Metaverse & Games? What do you think your offering has that will make it stand out?

A: Token||Traxx mission is to use tech to innovate music on every level
The world is changing fast and every digital experience is really ramping up. I see it in my kids, who are so comfortable with trading digital assets and living in the already huge metaverse and gaming worlds.
I don’t see the music experience in the digital worlds being any different from the real world. We all want to find music, music that touches us on a deeply personal and emotional level, music to jump around to, work to, make love to. Token||Traxx will be at the heart of all this. The only limitation is our imagination and trust me we have a massive one!!

Q:  How do you collaborate with artists that want to get involved in your project?

A: Sign up to the guestlist at

The first 5000 that sign up get a beautiful guest pass NFT completely free and they’re numbered so you know where you are on the list.
Get in quick cos those numbers have value!!

Q: You are partnering with Zilliqa Community which is great. How has this partnership on the project benefited both parties?
A: Yes with Zil
Zilliqa has low gas fees, averaging $1 per NFT. An extremely low carbon footprint comes up all the time especially with creators and Zilliqa minting emits 82 times less CO2 than Ethereum and Zilliqa intends to go carbon neutral by 2022 this is important credibility. There are others out there which are cheap on gas fees, but Zilliqa is established, it has built a solid foundation and is building out its ecosystem. For us its all about people. People make tech and tech changes the world
I really clicked with the team, especially Max Kantelia
His vision for blockchain and the creator economy totally is aligned to mine. Ben Livshits is a legend in tech and his vision for building out Zilliqa into a truly versatile blockchain on every level is really impressive
Ben Livshits is a legend in tech and his vision for building out Zilliqa into a truly versatile blockchain on every level is really impressive. I believe in multichain, that all chains will connect seemlessly in time, just like mobile phone coverage is now.
Zilliqa is not only promising, it is doing more. It is delivering.
Q: Most of the NFT platforms provide a Royalty Feature to the Artists. Is this something that Tokentraxx will do as well?

A: Token||Traxx will look to facilitate many features for artists. Royalties in all their myriad types and complexity are important part of of this. Token||Traxx are already working on overcoming the legal and technical challenges that are required to be overcome to deliver royalty features and it will be rolled out. 
A longwinded way to say YES.

Royalty share is what really excites me about this tech. Never before has a fan been able to directly share in an artists income from the music they both love. Thats really powerful and turns the whole concept of IP on its head
Q:  TokenTraxx is an NFT platform, built by musicians for the music community. Can you tell us some names of artists that are looking to get involved? Are they mostly from the UK?

A: We are a British company and British music has always had a massive impact on the world of music.
Token||Traxx will of course be looking to feature British artists, there’s a wealth of undiscovered amazing talent here but of course we are a worldwide company and will promote any artist that is making amazing and beautiful music from any country. The focus is on the music itself and how well an artist can engage with their community.
Theres a concept called a 1000 true fans, based around the idea that you don’t need the millions of likes and views you get on social media, you only need a 1000 true fans who support you on every level.
Q: Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, What makes your project different from other projects?

A: Sign up to the guestlist we will soon have the roadmap on the website and on the social channels
Q: Can you list 1-3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?
A: The cracking team


Q: Can you share your social media links so we can keep ourselves updated?

A: 🤘 Launch guestlist:
💬 Telegram chat:
📣 Telegram News:
🗣 Twitter: 
🎶 Discord: 
✍️ Medium:
Q: What are the steps to become a part of your community, and start getting revenues? Where do we buy, where do we sign up? This looks like an amazing project!

A: Sign up at We’re building out our community. The Telegram and Discord are full of musicians and artits., We talk and share music. Its a great vibe
Q: Do you have any NFT plans and its integration ahead in the roadmap? Also do you have any passive income options and incentivization reward for a  long term hoder?

A: NFt and Blockchain are at the heart of Token||Traxx and yes of course there will be options around passive income. TGE is live on 14th March so get the TRAXX token then and start Hodlin’
Q: Are you a global project or local project? At present, which market are you focus on, or is it focused on building and growing to gain customers, users and partners???

A: Global, music and technology are global by nature
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the Token||Traxx Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Token||Traxx for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂

Take a look at our other ama sessions here


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