Ask Me Anything with LitiCapital at ICO Speaks: Summary

liticapital ama at ico speaks
liticapital ama at ico speaks
September 17-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the LitiCapital there was :  Victor aka Action CEO  @ActionCEO

I’ve been in crypto for over 10 years, stared with mining BTC before people knew what crypto was.

About 3 months ago I came across Liti Capital and it blew my mind. It was everything I was searching for in crypto.

Real world assets now available as equity on the blockchain.

                                    Let’s get started!

Q: Please introduce LitiCapital

A:  Liti Capital is a Fintech startup company registered in Switzerland that is active in litigation finance.
We use blockchain and equity tokenization to democratize access to justice and bring exposure to high-return and bear market-resistant litigation asset classes to everyone.

We also use our expertise in litigation finance to fight against crypto scam projects.  The way Liti Capital works is simple. We have tokenized the stock or shares of the company in order to fundraise.

Q: What is really litigation finance ?

A:  YES! Good old litigation financing….

Litigation finance is one of the most profitable private investments available. However it has been limited to the top 1%.

The way it works is simple, imagine you were wronged by a big company. Maybe you got liquidated because the application wouldn’t work and you couldn’t close out of your positions on the app.

If you try to go after that company by yourself, you’re going to spend A LOT of money and it’s likely you won’t be able to endure the length of the proceedings.

LitiCapital comes in and provides the funds to take the company to court to ensure the case moves forward with no risk to you.

1 example, if you were to sue Binance, their terms state you have to go to Arbitration in Hong Hong which costs $65,000 USD just to present your case. Not counting lawyers fees or travel.

It’s hard for a regular person to do that, that’s where we step in.

Q:  I’ve read that you are financing a claim against Binance can you tell us more about that?

A:  I’m so glad you asked! That’s what I was referring to before.

The example about Binance is really specific because we know exactly how that works. Right now we are funding hundreds of people who lost money because of Binance’s platform freezing.

These individuals are simply asking for Binance to take responsibility in doing what is right since it was a failure on their platform that caused people to lose millions!

But they can’t do it on their own, like I said it would cost $65,000 per person just for the case to be heard.

LitiCapital has committed to providing the financial backing for these individuals to fight back.

Not only fight back, but fight back BIG!

The international law firm of White & Case LLP has been engaged to represent affected individuals in the claims process.

If anyone knows White & Case, they are the top firm in the world when it comes to international litigation.

The best part of all of this is that ANYONE can join the Claim.

Doesn’t matter if you lost $1 or $1,000,000. it only takes 5 minutes and you could end up getting compensation for your losses!

I’ll leave this here for anyone who’s been affected, there’s no risk and it’s free to sign up

Q: Explain how that works if I lost 1USD on binance, what can I do next ?

A: We tried to make the process as easy and simple as possible. Simply go to and fill out the form.

It is that easy, the form takes less than 5 minutes. All we need is your contact info, your Binance Account ID and a quick estimate of what you lost from that point we take care of the WHOLE process

Q:  What’s this new scambuster initiative that will come out ?

A: Ah ha! Scambuster is going to be awesome! Well let me say it this way…. Scambuster is going to have a great impact. 

We created a way to support the blockchain community fight back against scammers. Here’s how it works. If you were scammed you can send and email to

share the details of the case and Liti Capital has a team of people to review those cases.

Liti Capital is using 5-10% of it’s earnings to give back to the community.  That means all the scambuster cases are going to be pursued free of charge to the clients. We wish we could go after every case that is submitted, however we’ve received hundreds of messages which is heartbreaking.

Being on the other side of this, seeing the response from the blockchain community has been incredible.

We have to pick which cases to choose from. Step 1 was the team going through the cases and doing its due diligence. But now we are going to look for the token holders to choose!
If you hold LITI or wLITI you will be able to choose which case Liti Capital will fund.

Q: Do you offer staking ?

A:  But we do it a little differently. 😊 I know, that’s not usually how it works, but we want to make sure that people hold the tokens for the right reasons and giving people the freedom to withdraw anytime helps with that. When you stake your tokens you can choose to how long you want to stake for, and that’s how your rewards are calculated. You are free to pull your tokens out at any time, you would simply earn at a reduced rate.  It really is a risk free staking option since you still have access to your funds. 🤷‍♂️ We like making it a win-win and will continue to set things up this way as much as we can 😊

Q: Where can we buy your token?

A: We started offering our wLITI token on Uniswap
 But since we have been listed in various exchanges like:
Changelly PRO
Q: Tell us about the difficulties experienced by your platform. Can you tell us about the challenges you faced when developing your project? How did you manage to solved it?

A:  Tell us about the difficulties experienced by your platform. Can you tell us about the challenges you faced when developing your project? How did you manage to solved it?
I like answering the questions most people avoid 😊

I’ll be 100% transparent about this one. Litigation Finance is not your regular blockchain project. It hasn’t been easy to explain to the blockchain community that people are making about 50% back on their money when they invest in Litigation Financing.

It is really profitable business which we don’t need the blockchain for. However the blockchain being a part of it means we are able to provide value to everyone instead of the top 1%

Q: What makes you feel confident about the survival & sustainable success of Your project in the near future?While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?

A:  What makes you feel confident about the survival & sustainable success of Your project in the near future?While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands? The people making it happen have been doing this for YEARS. David Kay who’s the Chief Investment Officer came out of retirement to create this opportunity for the masses. He previously ran a fund worth over $1B in New York. This project is about giving back to the community and empowering everyone in crypto with the tools to stand up to larger corporations and scammers. That’s why token holders get to vote on cases. To take it a step further, we at Liti Capital work for equity holders. If you own stock / equity token, you’re technically the boss.

Q: Many projects have done FRAUD Why should I trust you? Did you pass the AUDIT?What is the advantages of investing on your project? Is there a benefit to being a first-time investor?What is the advantages of investing on your project? Is there a benefit to being a first-time investor?

A:  Many projects have done FRAUD Why should I trust you? Did you pass the AUDIT?What is the advantages of investing on your project? Is there a benefit to being a first-time investor?What is the advantages of investing on your project? Is there a benefit to being a first-time investor?

Audits are the bare minimum, here’s ours:

But beyond that we always encourage people to do 2 basic things when looking at projects. 1st research the team, are they public? If not… do you know who you’re really investing in?

Here’s our core team:

2nd DO NOT invest all your money in one thing or token. If someone tells you to put all your money in their project, RUN.


I believe in Liti Capital, I hold a good amount of it. But it is not my only investment and I encourage people to diversify. I’ve made over 300% in 3 months with wLITI, I wish I had more, but it isn’t wise to put all your eggs in one basket.

Q: My question is about your long-term marketing plans. How, or through which big partnerships do you plan on utilizing to pass your product onto the normal – especially non-crypto people?

A:  We have high networth people begging to invest in this project. Outside of crypto people know who we are and already see the value. Our focus is to educate people in the crypto space to ensure we can provide a low cost entry point to everyday retail investors.  That’s why we have suck a generous staking platform. It’s to encourage the crypto/blockchain community to share what LitiCapital is doing. Much rather use “marketing dollars” on people staking so they get a good return than to spend it on running ads.  We are blockchain people-focused! The staking program is generous on purpose, so that people share it with other people.

Q: Are you planning to promote your project in countries / regions where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project?

A: We are a global company, headquarters is in Switzerland and we comply with all laws and regulations there. But the team is all over the world! Jonas Rey our CEO is in Switzerland, David Kay in New York, I’m in San Diego, California. We have a growing Chinese community and the team is so diverse we speak 8 out of top 10 languages in the world.

ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the LitiCapital Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, LitiCapital  for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂


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