Ask Me Anything with HackLess at ICO Speaks: Summary

hackless ama at icospeaks
hackless ama at icospeaks
Ask Me Anything with Hackless at ICOSpeaks: AMA Summary

January 17-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICOSpeaks telegram chat. From the Hachless side there were: 
Before we go to the first set of questions, could you please do a short self-intro?
👨‍💻  Serhii Androsiuk | Hackless CEO | @serhio_hackless
Sure! My name is Serhii Androsiuk, I’m the CEO and Co-founder of Hackless – a multi-service security platform for DeFi protocols. 
I’ve been in crypto since 2016. Blockchain and DeFi enthusiast with 4+ years of experience in crypto growing different blockchain startups. Formerly, a legal advisor in the banking sector, with over 10 years of experience with leading banks in the industry

                                                            Let’s get started!
Q:Can you briefly introduce Hackless: mission, goals and problems to address?

A: Hackless is a multi-service security platform for DeFi protocols. As there are more and more hacks taking place lately, we’ve created Hackless to help other projects to protect their system, warn in advance about some potential attacks, and mitigate losses in case the protocol is already under attack.
The Hackless platform is a comprehensive solution that unites several services. For instance, SafeMigrate enables secure funds migration from the protocol under attack and helps to pause a protocol in case of suspicious activity. Watchdog helps to detect suspicious activity and potential threats via real-time monitoring and analytics. And Conductor is a service for private broadcasting of transactions to the network that allows the owner of the protocol to take countermeasures against the attacker that they won’t be able to detect.


Additionally, we plan on sharing our knowledge and experience on in-house development of smart contracts and cooperation with audit teams in the HacklessLib. We hope this Solidity library will come in handy to those who are not ready to use the Hackless platform yet as our main goal is to make DeFi space safe for users and developers

Q: What was the reason you found each other and came together for Hackless?

A: The origin story of Hackless is actually something we are extremely proud of. We were observing the industry and multiple attacks for a while and came up with the idea of a platform that would enable the ongoing protection of the DeFi protocol starting from the infrastructure layer of the blockchain. This concept gained support from the community, which helped us win the ETH Lisbon Hackathon with the Rektless concept in October. Now we are expanding the idea even further with the Hackless

Q:Could you tell us at what stage the development of the project is now?

A: We currently have an MVP that needs to be finalized – some smart contracts need to be updated, as well as rewriting the non-blockchain parts. At the same time our marketing and business development teams work with potential partnerships. We strongly believe that more cybersecurity projects cooperate with each other, the more trusted industry could be

Q:Who Are the Competitors? 

A: There is no severe competition since other projects don’t provide the full range of services available on the Hackless platform. We’ve got a unique product that will be hard to beat. Besides, we believe there shouldn’t be any competition for protocol owners’ money as we are all fighting for common security. That’s why there should be more collaborations and synergy among the alternative security tools and services to achieve the highest level of security.
For this reason, we have great development and marketing teams who are working non-stop to collaborate with other security services, provide the best possible experience to our users and build a supportive community

Q: Can you explain Hackless Tokenomics? How many tokens will be minted? And how many tokens will be locked by the pool?

A: The total token supply will be 100M HKLS. All of them are pre-minted, so there will be no token inflation connected with additional minting

Regarding the lock-system of tokens – we will have different lock periods for different pools of tokens. But currently we are finalizing these numbers, the final info will be available together with information about tokensale
Just want to add that more detailed info you may find in our whitepaper on our website –

Q: How can I join the pre-sale or IDO? What is the estimated date and where can I buy your tokens?

A: We plan on launching a Pre-sale end of January 2022, and the Public sale will take place around February 2022. These are not the final dates but we’ll make sure to announce the tokensale in advance on all our social media. Also subscribe to our waitlist on
Also, there is a last opportunity to join our strategic round by texting me or other admins of our group in Telegram in direct messages – we’ll refer you to our team members, responsible for this issues

Q: What companies are you partnered with or seeking to partner with in future ?

A: Currently we have already partnered with  — project, which offers DeFi users a set of tools and services to maximize profits, eliminate risks and shield from bots. We provide protection to their protocols from possible weak points (Watchdog), and in case of any the funds on their protocols will be protected with our SafeMigrate solution.
For us we will get Feeno integration. Quite an interesting solution for ETH-less transactions in the ERC20 network.
More details you may find in this article.
Peanut —
Also we’ve partnered with HAPI — a cyber security network protocol. Quite famous guys in the DeFi market.
They made a cool cross-chain solution that is suitable for the most popular blockchains, including the same Ethereum, Solana, Heco, Polygon, Near and XDC.
In essence, this partnership provides an opportunity to improve existing analytics and alert systems by integrating HAPI algorithms for monitoring and analyzing transactions into our Watchdog service.
Oh and + use their technology to extend Hackless to the Polygon blockchain as soon as we complete development for the Ethereum network.

Q: Can you tell us about your team members? are they qualified and professional in their fields? what are the recruiting qualifications for team members for your extraordinary project?

A: As we’ve mentioned before, Hackless was founded by two DeFi enthusiasts and experts, who have expanded the team later on. Me as a co-founder and the CEO of Hackless.
Pavel Radchuk, co-founder and the CTO of Hackless, who has been a blockchain consultant and advisor for over 4 years, helping companies build and secure blockchain applications. Pavel has a Master’s degree in Cybersecurity and was working as an Application Security Lead for 5+ years before switching to DeFi. He is a real blockchain ninja with extensive expertise in smart contract development and security audits.
Also, Hackless has involved three technical advisors to help develop the platform and provide consultation services.
Anatolii Padenko has over 10 years of experience in software development, 5 of those in the blockchain industry, with a track record of delivering enterprise cybersecurity products and Web3 solutions.
Alex Korobeinikov is a blockchain R&D guru with over 7 years of experience and 40+ projects under his belt. He specializes in smart contract security and blockchain audits, knows several programming languages, and excels in MVP architecture and project planning.
Pavel Horbonos is a Blockchain Solutions Architect with 6+ years of experience in C++, Solidity, and Rust. He treats software development as a form of art and even has a personal blog about programming.
I attach here a link to our detailed article with a core team members description – feel free to read through:
Q: Is this Your project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?

A: Everybody can participate in our token sale, not only elite ones. Subscribing to waitlist can give you additional points to your karma and luck if there is oversubscription:
Mostly, seed and strategic rounds are for big private investors and funds. And small investors are welcome for the upcoming IDO, which will take place in February 2022.
For all the news, please, join:

Q: Can you share your social media links so we can keep ourselves updated?Ё

A: Get the latest NEWS about Hackless, and follow us:
📄 Medium:
🕸 Website:
🐦 Twitter: 
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Q: Token Burn or BuyBack program play an important role in increasing Token value   Do you have a token burn or buyback program plan to attract investors?

A: We are definitely don’t plan to burn tokens. This strategy seems to fail in long-term perspective, you may find lots of articles about this. But BuyBack looks more attractive strategy, we will think about this. 
Unfortunately, now I can’t tell for sure about whether wi will do the BuyBack or not, as the payment for our services will be made not in USDT or USDC, but in our tokens. So, we don’t plan to have the assets to perform the BuyBack. But in case of any changes we will inform our community. So join it in order to be aware of latest updates:)
Telegram Announcement:
Telegram Group:
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the HacklessTeam. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, Hackless for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉

Take a look at our other ama sessions


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