Ask Me Anything with BinaPet at ICO Speaks: Summary

binapet ama as ico speaks
binapet ama as ico speaks
Ask Me Anything with BinaPet at ICO Speaks: Summary

August 17-th   held an Ask Me Anything session at ICO Speaks telegram chat. From the BinaPet side there was: 
                                                         Let’s get started!

Q: What is Binapet?
A: Binapet is an NFT games platform and decentralized yield farm application. We have superb developer team and are planning to build the best DeFi NFT Game.

Q:  What can BPET do in Binapet?

A: We have great passion in our project, speaking of BPET, it is the token of Binapet.

BPET is our token, in the game ecosystem, BPET is used to buy “dragon eggs” and “props”. Also players can exchange their dragon eggs and dragons in Binapet marketplace, which of course also use BPET to do the exchange.

Q:  What is the tokenomics of Binapet?
A:  Binapet is on Binance Smart Chain, the total supply of BPET token is 100,000,000. 
Here is the tokenomics:
 The total amount of tokens is 100 million, which cannot be minted. Team has not pre-mined and this is a very fair game. The purchase income of props is returned to the mine pool. This is an ecological design and a healthy model. The price and growth depend on the marketing. We are working hard for marketing. 
  Presale: 30%, completed on 12th August
 Liquidity Provide: 24% – Locked for 24 months 
 NFT Farming: 16%
 Battlefield Farming :20%
Dxsale fee: 0.6%
Dxsale declares that it will be destroyed after presale:6.552001%
Marketing and Community Reward : 2.847999%
Presale price:30,000 BPET / per BNB
 80% BNB raised liquidity lock 24 Months lock duration
20% of the BNB raised is used for marketing (spending is open and transparent)

Q: Has BPET been listed ?

A:  Yes, we finished presale on 12 August, on the same day, BPET was listed on Pancakeswap, when we just launched our game for 2 hours, we ranked fifth in the Dex hot search.
 On 14th August, we have been listed on ZT exchange, on 16th August, Binapet was listed on CMC and CoinGecko.

Q: Could you tell us more about Binapet games?

A:  Yeah, we have already launched our game on 12th August, now we have a 20000 people community, our community members love our game a lot.
 Basically, players can use BPET to buy ancient eggs from Binapet shop and hatch eggs to own their dragons. We have already provided NFT farming, in which players can pledge dragons in the farm to gain rewards of BPET.  A lot of players are having fun with their dragons and the dragons are making huge 💰 for players !
 And we have a quite interesting gaming mechanism which is very fun and fabulous. There are 5 levels of dragons, players can upgrade their dragons to higher level. Also soon we will release battlefield, in which players can use dragons to PK with each other to gain more rewards.

Q:  You mentioned that players can upgrade the dragons to higher level, how to do that?

A:  Great question! A lot of players want to upgrade dragons to higher level in the game, so that the dragon is stronger and can gain much more for players
Players can use 2 dragons to breed a new dragon egg, the rarer one of the two dragons serves as the reference dragon.
Players have a certain chance to breed a dragon that is one level higher than the reference dragon
So in this way, players can start from an ancient egg then come to higher level. 
Which will win more rewards for players. 

Q: You mentioned about pledge dragon in farm to gain reward, could you tell us more about that?

A:  Every dragon are born with 5 attributes, that is “Health”, “Attack”, “Defense”, “Speed” and “Energy”.
 Every newborn dragon’s initial Energy value is 1, players can take dragon to the NFT Farming to grow Energy and get reward. Energy is important, because Energy is the basis for the proportional divide of reward pool in the of farm.
Also in the upcoming battlefield, Pets will need to consume Energy to attend battle.

Q: For a project development first of all main priority is having enough fund. Does your team financially capable to run this project?  Do you have enough fund for it’s developement Can you tell us that how your project generate the profit?

A:  Yes we are well funded, we have a strong team to produce a great game as what we can see now, also in presale, it took just 5 seconds that all sold out, it is a proof showing that how passionate community members in the game.

Also the team do not mint BPET, and also we do not premine, the 5% exchange fee is the only income of Binapet team and is used for long term team and project development
Q:  As an investor and early adopter, I find it difficult to access/value a project in the short term and require longer periods of time to fully understand, recognise and value it. So, to help my understanding, can you tell me what plans are set in motion to add value  ?

A: Thank you for your question, yes token value is very important, we have good tokenomics, also as you can see game is continuously adding value to that, for example at first BPET can buy ancient eggs to give birth to dragons.

Soon we will have battlefield feature and in shops, we will provide props, all the pros and equipment are exchange in BPET.
Q: Can you describe about what are the use of your token in your platform?

A:  Yes BPET is used for not only dragon egg buying, props buying from shops, also we have marketplace feature in the game, all the players can exchange their asset like dragons, you can already see that plenty of players are using BPET to do exchange in marketplace
Q: Which one of these aspects is important for you?
1-Increasing Token Price & Value
2-Empowering Platform Development
3-Building Community Trust
4-Expanding Partnership Globally  
In what order?

A:  Thank you for your question, well I think all these aspects are very important for a successful project, we focus on the aspects as project needed, first, because we are at the very first beginning of game, empowering project development is very important, we need to present community with good project, and you can see we have more than 20000 community members in Binapet, it is a proof that we have done good job in community trust building, I can provide you with one evidence , if you come to our telegram channel, you can see that we have clearly written down all the marketing fee in our community, totally transparent.
Also when we held the presale, we decide on which platform to do presale all voted by our community.
Increasing token value is also very important, if you get a look at the BPET prices, it is incredibly great showing the market recognition in our token value! Still we have done a good job in project development, which also contribute to token value.
Last but not least, we are continuously expanding partnership globally, as you can see, today we connect with ICO Speaks, and this week we have 2 AMA globally, it is also an evidence showing our dedication in global partnership
Q: Have you being audited ?

A:  Yes we have been audited. We have been audited by SOLIDProof
ICOSpeaks hosted an AMA Session with the BinaPet Team. That’s all for today.
Thanks to all users who participated.
Thanks, BinaPet for being with us
Thanks, all and see you soon😉
Cheers 🥂

Take a look at our other ama sessions


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